What she's doing is so important. While everyone is talking about her as a potential VP, if she can get an awesome team to challenge voter suppression in every state and NOW, it could be the pivotal factor in '20 and beyond.

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Can co-sign, it's a good book.

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FWIW, I'm in Georgia, and have spent 99% of my life in the South in one state or another.

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Yes, there is a glimmer of hope. The ratfuckery is an abomination and deserves counterfuckery in the courts, of course. But there *is* a workaround. If you think someone is trying to scrub you off the voter rolls, go to your local supervisor of elections and make sure your voter registration is in order. Bring your ID's. Do this now, so you're not doing it on voting day. If the county moved the place to do this, get a relative to give you a ride. If there isn't a relative, ask a friend for a ride. If there's a police standing around the polling place, make sure you're legally parked, then walk past him into the polling place. Don't be intimidated. If you want, say good morning as you walk past. (I trust you'll show up early to vote so you're not waiting in line at 7pm when the polls close, giving an asshole the opportunity to say "it's too late.") The police won't hit you with his baton, even in Georgia. It isn't 1965 anymore. Jesus, it isn't hard to keep from being ratfucked out of your right to vote if you're not passive. John Lewis wouldn't have been stopped by these cheezy, weak, tinhorn tricks. He wouldn't and wasn't. And everyone else shouldn't be, either.

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That was different. A GOPer presidency was on the line, so Holy Originalists like Scalia had to step in because that was clearly what the Framers intended. Obvs.

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No shit. You wanna change the world? Why don't you bastards just go and purchase Georgia (it's probably on Amazon with free same-day shipping for Prime Members) and fix this bullshit.

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Or do what big companies sometimes do to troublesome small ones - buy the place, and then close it.

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I'm assuming his lava pit is about 4000°C hotter, for being one of the five twats that made Dubya president (also too because it takes a lot of heat to sizzle one that big around).

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Good advice, but wouldn't it just be easier to vote in every election to establish a history of ballots that can't be erased by the criminals in the Republican party?

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Framers gonna frame, I guess.

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If someone had told me fifty years ago that we would be bedeviled by voter suppression in 2020, I would have thought it was nonsense.

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No you wouldn't! 50 years ago was 1970, the deepest part of the Nixon administration, lying about the war in Viet Nam, secretly bombing Cambodia, the absolute distrust of a terrible government, CIA spying on us.... are you kidding? We would have gone "Yep, sounds about right." What we wouldn't have believed is that we'd have some intervening sane years with Clinton and then, amazingly, Obama.

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Suppressors gonna suppress

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In a functioning democracy, everyone would be automatically registered, and even required to vote. We wouldn't be putting obstacles in "certain" people's way. Do you think white Republicans have to constantly prove their right to vote? Remember--there's literally zero reason to put ANY obstacle in voters' way. There's almost 0.0 "voter fraud." This is entirely about preventing people from voting.

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Seriously? It would make it 10000000000% worse

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They will do that. But shouldn't they not have to? Shouldn't purging voters be against the law? Shouldn't stacking the courts to have judges who refuse to intervene be a negative?

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