It's easy to tell you're a liberal gun-grabber because you said "security parameters" instead of "security per<i>im</i>iters."

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Neighbor Jermarl Feppa said he saw Andrew Michaelis firing into the home.

"I looked out the window and noticed a guy unloading a clip into that trailer next door," he said. "We stood outside a little bit to make sure everyone was alright, and then he came back and unloaded another clip at the same place."----


I have to admit, I have no idea what I would do in that situation, but that is one of the strangest quotes I've ever seen.

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Fucker probably has a detail of full-time bodyguards.

Paid for, of course, out of members' dues.

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Kloburchar’s Protecting Domestic Violence and Stalking Victims Act would expand the restriction to include dating partners subject to domestic violence restraining orders.

Joyce Malcolm of George Mason University School of Law opposed the expansion, saying that accused abusers might have their guns taken without a chance to defend themselves in court.

Where the fuck does this dipshit think domestic violence restraining orders come from? Jeez, these people . . . can we please add an IQ test to the backgound checks?

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By the time the kooks in the House are done, the "Protecting Domestic Violence and Stalking Victims Act" will instead require the court to give the victims guns to defend themselves .

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OT The House just voted to sue Bamz

grab yer popcorn, it's gonna get stupidly silly with the GOP

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George Mason University School of Law*

*A wholly owned subsidiary of Koch Brothers Inc

those useless fucks will say whatever Davie and Chucky tell them to, as long as the money keeps flowing

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I hope this idiotic overreach blows up in their faces. These asshats may be able to accomplish something the hapless DNC never has- turn out Dem voters for a mid-term election

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Gawd, I hope you're being sarcastic. Hard to tell anymore.

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