2. If anyone is going to have his degree held in abeyance it ought to be the FedSocs for failing constitutional law 101.

If this were anyplace but Stanford, I would be all over

"Has anybody suggested this?"

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As my grandpa would've said -- "Don't woke 'em. Let 'em slep'."

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I’d like to believe one of the premiere law schools in the country knows how the first amendment works

You assume a great deal


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The little girl that biden lusted after was 8 years old.

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The image is still on the Internet.

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Who apparently weren't paying attention during their law school classes.

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Well, given that he didn't do that, where Trump actually did say- on camera- that a ten year old he had just seen was someone he would maybe be dating in a few years that's not a great concern.And, you know, there's still those 20+ women who have accused Trump of actually sexually assaulting them.

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This is why right wing attempts at satire fail. You attack things you yourselves made up.

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My comment was not satire -- it was condemnation of a pedophile.

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You see the severed head as satire -- I see it as hate.

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It was repetition of an empty right wing slander. It was duckspeak.

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Some illustrious Hoover Institution members and alums (located at and part of, y'know, Stanford Of The Glorious Money Orchard):

Scott AtlasNiall FergusonBjorn LomborgCondoleeza RicePete WilsonJohn YooHenry Kissinger (Bonus! Theranos Board Member!)George Schultz (Bonus! Theranos Board Member!)James Mattis (Bonus! Theranos Board Member!)Sam Nunn (Bonus! Theranos Board Member)William Perry (Bonus! Theranos Board Member!)

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Might be good for timely reminder.

President of the Harvard Federalist Society brought a gun on zoom during class, and DNGAF.

Quoted from Slate article by Mark Joseph Stern on April 9, 2020

"Students didn’t buy Fletcher’s claim that he was just cleaning his gun and didn’t mean to distract from class. “Fletcher tries to be controversial,” a student in the class told Slate. “He always participates to say something conservative and rude. It’s a classic Federalist Society persona. Everyone else rolls their eyes when he speaks because it’s going to be intentionally provocative and adds nothing to the conversation.” This student said that, when the class still met in person, Fletcher “sat with other Federalist Society students in a corner. They were always snickering to each other when people commented on any kind of progressive criminal justice reform,” like fixing “racial disparities in sentencing.”

Harvard's institutional rot is getting embarrassing: from supplying the most MBAs to Wall Street before the 2008 crash, to Jared 'warp Spread' Krushner and Kayleigh MagaNinny, they need to stop sending America their bust and the blightest graduates.

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Let it not escape anyone's notice that a top tier law school had to be schooled in the First Amendment.

I can't even.A law school that doesn't understand the law, especially the US Constitution. Whoever it is on their faculty that teaches Con Law needs to be stripped of tenure and then disbarred, dipped in tar, then feathers and ridden out of Palo Alto on a rail.

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I wonder how many zampolits got fragged in WWII and Afghanistan in the 80s...not that I would ever wish anything but sunshine, rainbows, and puppies for FedSoc members.

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Nah.There's nothing that you can say about either that hasn't been said by others that's worse. They defame themselves with everything they do.

Kinda like David McCraw from the NY Times writing the hilarious screw you letter to TFG's attorney in which he told him that it wasn't possible for the Times to damage TFG's reputation any more than TFG had already done himself.

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