I hate Messenger more than I hate FB.

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there's no such thing as amorality - it's just immortality in nice clothes

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He got to move in with Chrissy and Janet, so that had to be fun...

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Goldstein. Seriously.

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Sort of the second thing. If I own 10 shares of stock that are worth $100, I'm worth $1000. If that stock drops to $75 a share, my worth has dropped to $750. But, if all I was doing was holding on to shares and not selling them, my day to day life remains unchanged, unless I was making plans that required me to have access to the full $1000.

So, I think personally Marky Mark lost $7Bn, which puts him in the low $80Bn range. His life is unchanged, but his ego may be bruised as the guy from Louis Vuitton is now #3 richest in the world and Marks' now #4

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But if you paid $100 for those shares and they went up to $1000 and then dropped back to $100, you didn't lose $900. And Zuck didn't lose $7 billion.

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I wouldn't want to owe Mark Zuckerfuck's dues, I know that. The weight on guts must be tremendous and his day in the barrel is before him.

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Said no investor, ever.

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Yes, that is exactly what it felt like, from a rather benign experience, to a dumpster-on-fire one. I came here because they do police the forum, and even though we chafe at having to be nice to our adversaries sometimes, it sure beats the hate and vitriol of sites the don't use the "Loving Ban-Hammer of correction.

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I was shocked when I found out my multimillionaire uncle bought his shirts at Marshalls, because I bought my clothes at Marshalls because I couldn't afford Dress Barn. Also his son is named "Marshall". Coincidence? I think not.

Also rich people suck.

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Locked in their homes, except when they want to come out with firearms and threaten people. Got it.

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Oh, very true. Yes, it's all potential money. The only way one loses money like that is that if they used the stock as collateral.....which would be catastrophically stupid...

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He has that "no concept of enough" disease that people get when they have so much money they're constantly comparing themselves to the other billionaires.

Which is scary - since he wants to buy one of the islands of Hawaii and kick the indigenous people who live there out (can't imagine where he got that idea or from whom)

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Tears for the guy who modeled his life on THE OLD BAD BILL GATES? Flank, do you realize Zuck the Traitor packed Parscale's dirty work force for Putin with DOZENS OF FB workers sent there on-site to show them EXACTLY HOW TO PUNK YOUR GRANDMA ... know what a Trumpster Fire's most common complaint online is? OPENING NEW TABS AND BROWSER WINDOWS but once they do they tend to believe ANYTHING ZUCK STICKS IN THEIR FACE, this is his fault in large part and he should be held accountable, and I don't give a rats a$$ about him, came to Hawaii with his wife and built a wall ruining my friend's view who was born down the road ... WHAT A JACK A$$ TRAITOR and it will be time in the barrel indeed, well put! :)

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Facebook's business model is to make as much money as possible off data collection and advertising and they have decided that promoting hate speech, bullshit and agitprop are key to maximizing their profits at this time. It's an utterly amoral, apolitical calculation. They'll stop it when that's no longer the case. Maybe we're starting to see the beginning of that.

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