Did you guys hear NASA is looking for remote sensing specialists? Most of those weenies need, y'know, instruments and satellites and aircraft and stuff, but you're such a natural you can just sit there at your keyboard and tell someone he's wrong about what happens in his OWN CITY, which you have probably never even visited.

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Onion article: "Starbucks to open new store in restroom of existing Starbucks.

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Idiot banhammered, comment left up for continued ridicule

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Awww, cupcake...first, he didn't describe "what happens in his OWN CITY," did he? He specifically acknowledged right at the start that he was making a "prediction."

Second... I didn't say anything at all about "what happens in his OWN CITY."

I just referenced the massively-racist way he framed his bullshit "prediction.".

Reading comprehension... how does it work?

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Look, I didn't invent this. I don't advocate this. I may not remember why the ice should be round or where it should be put. All I know is that someone invented round ice, and are selling it 3 for 12, or something. And this is very, very wrong.

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On a hot day a bit of iced coffee does a great double duty beverage. Yummm, cools you off and gets you going!

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I want to sue Dunkin' Donuts for undoing the world order by trying to force me to specify hot or iced when I simply order coffee. Since time immemorial, when you simply say, "coffee," it has meant "hot." "Hot" is the default, "iced" is the special request. I'm sure this new (several-years-old) ploy is some sneaky way of trying to upsell me to iced because it has a higher profit margin.

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You clearly have never suffered through a summer in Houston. Iced coffee is a godsend when you need a caffeine fix and it's already 85 degrees with 80% humidity at 8 am.

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I lived in New Orleans area for 4 years, which is at least as bad as Houston. I still didn't drink iced coffee. If I needed a cold caffeine fix, I drank Pepsi. I think people either love iced coffee, or they hate it. I can't stand iced tea either, which is difficult when you live in the South, as they serve it to you everywhere without asking you if you want it, and are quite shocked when you refuse it.

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It is a latte bull.

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If they do it right, they make the coffee at twice the strength. So, you're getting the right amount of coffee for the size of the cup, just some of the water isn't melted yet.If they make it by pouring regular coffee over ice, they are not doing it right.There used to be a guy at the Chico Farmer's Market, who made coffee ice--that works, too.

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That's just a circle.

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Have you read about the round ice that they will deliver to your door? Apparently, scotch on the rocks is wrong if the ice isn't melting uniformly. The mere existence of this thing proves to me that the balance of rich and poor in this country is wrong. If you have the money to fuss about that shit something somethhing rules with votes.

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If a friend loses a finger, you can slip it a bowl of their chili, pretend you found it there, and sue some more.

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Meh. Billo is simply a differentialist.

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20 years ago, I lived in Butte county for 4.5 years. Rural, poor, shading into libertarianism and queer bashing. There were a couple of places in Chico where you could get a cappuccino when I moved there. When I left, the oddest little towns, with half of downtown boarded up and half of the rest antique shops, had espresso machines. That was Starbucks. Love it or hate it, it changed things.

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