Oh, I still think it could within the context. Perhaps doubly so.

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Wait, but didn't you read the article in the LA Times? "Some" "critics" find her "off-putting," so are you really sure she has what it takes to win? That she's likeable enough to win over those all-important rural and suburban white working-class voters?

Boy, I sure am glad we have a good old-white-dude moderate like Joe Biden who can't open his fucking mouth for ten seconds without saying something either offensive or antithetical to progressive values, because we all know a guy like that is definitely electable and will propose the sort of sensible, middle-of-the-road centrist-Democrat policies that American voters really crave!

(no, I'm not going to link that stupid article, because fuck the LA Times for that dog-whistling bullshit)

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I'd have said Gorka. But it's the same thing, isn't it?

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Well, until Mitch suddenly realizes that the Executive Branch just has too much power, gosh darn it, and the Senate needs to take it back, and figures out some way to interfere with immigration policy.

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Warren Binford, the Willamette University law school professor [...] it's "absurd" to think parents will stop fleeing Central America if America's detention centers just ladle out more cruelty.

Yep. That should be obvious to anyone but the reality-challenged.

State official - "We should make the immigrants afraid of coming here"So we Westerners in our cozy, stable countries should try to be worse than countries subjected to bloodthirsty authorities and gangs, famine, disease and civil war.Correction: to appear worse, from afar, than countries with hellish conditions, to people who are witnessing on the personal level said hellish conditions.After "be best", a new slogan: "be hellishest".

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Oh, it's not bad. If the objective of the joker is to bash farmers.

Same with all jokes, really. As an humorist from my country said once, you can joke about everything, but not with everyone.

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In fact, I agree with you, but I can't say for sure if he cares about the youngest one or not. Only time will tell for that child.

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First, you strengthened your executive branch to the point where the tripod of power wasn't balanced anymore. This is by far the most important factor.Second, your winner takes all approach to voting practically guarantees a two-party system. Two-party systems are not conducive to force individual politicians to work together. This creates a politicians' sub-culture where working together is not the norm. This has all sorts of unpleasant side-effects for both getting things done and for knowing how to work together with other countries.The rest is just things getting worse over time.

As far as I can tell there is no political way to fix this, the problem resides in the structure and as such any attempts to fix it from within will fail. The only thing that could cause long term change is setting up many small towns that are social engineering laboratories and use them to work out better ways to structure society. This is so utopian it is silly, but I can't think of any other solutions that have even the tiniest chance of working.

PS The reason I believe social engineering could work is because I observe social engineering working everytime I encounter the work done by marketing departments. The obvious alternative we could slip into is a corporation-ruled hellscape where people are considered nothing more than human resources. I would not like that.

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Now I have to listen to that again.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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This has been 40 years in the making - not fast at all. Regret is right, the political structure has been intentionally manipulated and it will require a war or an entire generation (30-50 years) to undo.

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That. I've actually wished there were one on occasion while joyfully picturing Trump and his minions there but then I go and remember that they have a get out of jail free card if they're sorry on their death bed...sigh...but you know things are bad when atheists find themselves toying with such shit.

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Woody Allen's "Sleeper" become prophecy...sweet Jezuz on a pogostick,

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I'm dreading the inevitable 180 on "executive power" from the GOP once a Democrat is POTUS again... mostly because you just know it's going to happen and I know it's going to really piss me off.

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Hammer and chisel graffiti on whatever rock surfaces you've got. Those things seem to last centuries.

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