When I hear about children being separated from their parents, two historical incidents quickly leap to mind: Hitler's concentration camps and Southern slave plantations.

This is what has become of the Repub party in their eagerness to grab political power and as a result of their fear of Trump.

The GOP created the Trump base by using fear and hatred as their primary issues. The Southern strategy is overtly racists. If you build it they will come, GOP, and now you have the racists and the haters and the ignorant as your base.

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This looks like internal sabotage from a "disgruntled current employee"

Well played, sir or madam, well played!

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Yeah, he would do well in San Pedro Sula’s Rivera Hernández district. I’d say he’d last about an hour if he’s lucky.

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Yeah, apparently Trump said that it looks bad and the optics are bad. Well, there is that, but it's also that this is just a bad policy that hurts people.

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*good doggie* 😉😉😉

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Jimmy Buffett was not available for comment...

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“Then have them paint it” —Tom Sawyer—

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Rico? He sounds brown...better arrest him, just in case...

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Wow! Nice compliment! *wags tail*

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I think it would be better if that happened to him in San Salvador, Tegulcigalpa, or Guatemala City since he is affecting so many people from El Salvador, Honduras or Guatemala. If the family members of those children couldn't get to him, the cartels would.

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Hmm, I wonder if it will look bad when she and her husband are separated from the children when they are arrested on RICO charges and led away by FBI agents?

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Half? There must be at least 20 crimes and scandals, any one of which should disqualify him for the presidency.

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Still wondering where the girls are. And if they're okay.

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As long as they've got some brown and/or blah to piss down on, they'll take it.

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He's probably one of those frat boys who goes there to get wasted, so he might just fit right in!

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