However! I do like a man in jackboots.

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The best tiktok ever done.

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yeah honestly it's shocking we haven't seen a well-placed terrorist attack or two

we are so, so horrendously vulnerable right now

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It would be nice if OHJB surprises us with a show of steel...but I'm not betting on that no matter what odds are offered.

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The terrorists probably feel sorry for us.

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He's not lying. He's been working hell out of my nerves for four years.

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I do hereby nullify, abrogate, and otherwise tear up my loan obligations pending my contracting for new loans as soon as I change my mind about indebtedness. Also, those parking tickets.

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Why bother? Save time and money and watch us do it ourselves while enjoying a smoothie on the pool deck.

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And in the meanwhile, the motherfuckers vetoed the congressional bill to prohibit arms sales to the Saudis and continue to bend over backwards for the butchers of Yemen.

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Seriously. 9/11 was an incredibly successful attack, yet we've already done 20 times as many deaths. Who'd notice another attack?

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On the hospital deaths alone the UK has lost more people than it did in the Blitz

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Yeah, this. The rest of the world was mostly flabbergasted when we reelected WBush, but electing Trump ensured that they're never again going to trust the US to be a rational actor.

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Because of the pandemic, BTW, the sanctions are literally killing thousands of Iranians . . . just sayin' . . .

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All the corvids are coming home to roost, Donnie.

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I do wonder if Iran violated the original agreement because of Donnie Dipshit and his reneging on the agreement.

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Seems anything the Executive branch does that isn't ratified by Congress will have to be seen as at best temporary. Don't know how anybody does business with us under those circumstances.

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