The endless hysteria of these folks is remarkable.

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My money's on a snub nose.....

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Maybe he's just talkin' about shootin' TOWARDS the guy, but you know, intentionally missing! What's the big deal?

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Which kind of shooting is this guy talking about?

You know how we Liberals say "Pay Equity" when we mean "Abortion," so this guy probably says "Armed Insurrection" when he means "Gently Tap Peener Tips, But In A Hetero Way"

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This is <i>wonderful:</i>

<blockquote>His argument was seconded by state Rep. Kyle Jones (R), a 20-year-old Ron Paul backer who earned a seat in the New Hampshire General Court during the last election as part of a mother-son candidate slate. Jones said that his days working as a shift supervisor at Burger King taught him that employers will always treat employees well because human resources departments require it.</blockquote> Man, I'd like to have Kyle work for some bosses I've known.

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"We're not here to threaten anybody...


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Do you suppose Kyle ever wonders <i>why</i> HR departments require it?

Nah. Nevermind.

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What's your problem? It was totally glorious. They even remastered the technicolor for the DVD, too.

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Threatening armed insurrection seems terrorist-y to me. Are we sure thus guy ain't some sort of A-rab Muzlin?

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Well, he <i>did</i> win NH in 2012. Maybe ChillBill has Ron Paul on his mind. Can't be Three-Things Perry, as he only got...wait a minute...<i>0.7 percent</i> of the vote.

Maybe there's a principle here: good hair, bad candidate. Remember the debate where one of Paul's fake eyebrows threatened to fall off?

Plus, John Kerry: great hair!

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Time to start caning! Or spanking. Either way.

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From my cold, dead fantasies.

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Harold Stassen?

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Another Republican who hates democracy. In other news, dog bites man. .

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