Hey! I live in the "Hartford of Connecticut", which we call the "Des Moines of the East". And talk about exciting! Joe-mentum everywhere.

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Yeah, one "birther" position is that Obama isn't natural born because his father wasn't a citizen. That's idiocy of course. But taken to it's logical conclusion, Presidential candidates would need DNA test to prove who is the biological father. Then prove that man was a citizen. Same goes for the mother.

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In fact, Ulysses S. Grant was the first president whose father was born in the USA. All the previous presidents' fathers were subject to the authority of some foreign power at birth. Undermines the whole system when you think about it.

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And <i>who</i> wants interesting candidates? Interesting candidates shake things up. Shaking things up means unpredictability. Unpredictability is bad for business.

Luckily the system has enough checks in place to keep anything interesting from happening.

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