Pending promotion. I really don't want to start counting my chickens before they're hatched.

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Me either. I think they're probably trying to save their families the embarrassment of having it known that a child of theirs works for him.

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The House passed a bill.The Senate has done nothing.States cannot literally print money like the fed and thus are unable to create funds in a crisis.

Dear pundits, it's not really all that complicated. It is on you for making it so.

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Also, they weren't Executive Orders. They were "Executive Memos," which is a half step up from "Executive Post-It Note."

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The greatest Margaret Bourke-White photo of all time. Yes, my droogs, a woman photographer. And ... Back In The Day.

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Hey, if Black people didn't want to be here, their ancestors shouldn't have been kidnapped and stacked on slave ships to build this country with their unpaid labor!

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Almost certainly COBOL.

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Both my senators are wholly owned by Charles Koch, so they are practically giddy with glee at the harm being done to, well, everything. Galt's Gulch, next stop. I can indicate to them what my strong beliefs are, and have done, but in this state, the likeliest outcome of that is that I'm placed on a list of names to be stripped from the voter rolls.

My supposedly Democratic, supposedly liberal member of the House is about to retire, and he doesn't give a rat's ass what happens, and hasn't in a long time (when I emailed him in 2017 to express some alarm about administration designs on Social Security, a bored, rather nasty kid on his staff emailed me back some snotty snark, and basically indicated that the Congressman had better things to do than talk to crazy people like me about things that weren't going to happen). The man who's running to succeed him isn't about to say anything that might flip the seat to the Republicans.

So contacting my members of Congress is not on the list of things I can usefully do. Most of the things I could usefully do are illegal.

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If you plan on running on the economy, it is going to be mighty difficult if there isn't one. Question: These guys in Trump's administration are businessmen? They are? Really? The next time someone tells me he is a top flight corporate businessman I am going to think he is probably incompetent and probably relies on his wife to keep the books and his adult son to keep him out of trouble.

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So I heard on the radio that all the delegates who will be attending the NC convention will have to be tested twice -- once at home and once they arrive; they will have to wear masks all the time; and they also have to wear some sort of tracking device (bluetooth?) to make contact tracing easier. This made me laugh. First, because Trump threw a fit about whatever rules NC would impose, and 2, ha ha, it must be the Bill Gates microchip!

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Still seems a strange move when it would not have meant much for Republicans to just open the money spigots--they obviously don't mind about deficits, and massive stimulus would alleviate their unpopularity. I guess this is one of those cases where their evil ideology outweighs their political opportunism--or maybe they truly believe cutting off stimulus funds will somehow force people to look for work.

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It is so fucked. Unemployment has so many hoops to jump through. I'm so sorry

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like Puredog, I have "other accounts" - in my case, every cat I've ever had, living or dead, has an email. I choose which account I use based on the presumed political affiliations of said felines (one kitty is a rabid socialist, another a compassionate conservative, a cat I particularly didn't like got assigned far-right stuff, and so on). Gmail is so accommodating that way!

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I'd love to yell at some senators, but mine are Harris and Feinstein. Maybe I could yell at someone else's senators, just for fun.

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