Wonder if they'll ever find out that the real problem is: the message doesn't always stop at the other thing. Sometimes it goes viral and the whole world finds out that you got prank-called by someone pretending to be Nicholas Sarkozy.

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Every Supreme Court Justice knows you just tell the boy down to the Western Union you never got that there telly-gram.

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No I.T. degree needed, but a question or two during confirmation hearings would help. Like: "What is the packet format for a TCP/IP datagram?" Or "What was the original intent of port 8023?"

Trouble is these robe-ots stay on the court for an e-Ternity. Scalia made his bones about when Windows 1.0 was released. So we'll need to term-limit them to two releases of Mac OS.

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Can't be Thomas, because Scalia thinks it's witchcraft.

Roberts is your dead chicken guy, under the corporate dead chickens are speech doctrine.

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He doesn't have to with Clarance. He does such a good job on that "table" that he always wins a replay.

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They're split. 4 think it's magic, 4 think it's witchcraft and one thinks you use a dead chicken.

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SCOTUS pwned by QEII

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So does this imply that if I am Boss in Mafia Wars I could be subject to RICO statutes? Maybe I can be like Joe Miller, create a huge agribusiness on FarmVille and get me some huge Department of Agriculture grants.

Hooray I can be the ADM of Farmville!

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Where's Ted Stevens when you need him?

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Stop right there, Scalia! Do you really want Ruth Bader Ginsburg sexting you??

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Why else would Scalia be shoving quarters in his ass for all of these years?

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It's better than heavy petting!

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Someone should tell him that "Friend" is really "Friend with Benefits". That should produce many rejections.

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