14th Amendment.

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Those people fly private...they don’t even see the inside of LaGuardia

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We had to do this. It was just a renewal thru the mail for the new DL. However if you move here you do have to have all that stuff which is the whole fucking ID laws for voter suppression

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New York has always been hip that way.

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Not just his friends, but also his "friends" who'll likely leave a little something in his tip jar on the Resolute Desk.

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Because paying to have a special background check so you can get on an airplane without taking off your shoes is one of the biggest tricks them sneaky foreigners do to keep under the radar.

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At the south end of Broadway, near Battery Park. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Port authority should just put up a bunch of signs in the airport apologizing for any delays and giving ppl the desk number of Cooch to call and complain about any issues they may have. Wouldn't cost much and I'll be a lot of ppl standing in security lines would make the call. 😁

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We can manage that.

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Given that Global Entry is keyed to your US Passport, which is considered ironclad proof that you’re in the US legally, I’m not quite clear on how Drivers Licenses matter on that front.Unless, just maybe, the DL isn’t the real issue at all?

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My Global Entry application has been in administrative purgatory for nearly 6 months. I wonder if my Seattle address has anything to do with that? I forwarded this post to my Congress person, Rep. Jayapal and suggested she ask DHS whether her constituents are being screwed over too.

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Aren't Don Jr. and Eric NY state residents? Are they going to lose their Global Entry status? Ivanka and Jared may have changed to DC, but not the other nut jobs.

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I'm not sure how it'll affect the Davos folks, as they all fly private, but if it affects a lot of Assistant VPs or whatever they call upper-level managers at Citibank, as well as the truckers you point out.

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Yeah, I got mine by bringing my passport to the DMV.

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If the Trumpenreich really wants to protect New York from reckless drivers, they should pull Jeanine Pirro away from the wheel and wrap her up in bubble tape.

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Can anyone verify that the Bronx is up, the Battery's down?

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