That's who it was! I knew it was something I just caught in passing in some episode and I thought it was funny that Starfleet were so hung up on Anglophone naming conventions that they did that.

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Seems fair. How could anyone find fault in this.

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I came across people in Kentucky flying the Confederate flag and proclaiming Heritage, Not Hate. I hastened to point out that KY was not a confederate state.

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Bingo. It worked w/Bannon. Participated in a blitz of postcards asking policy questions of the WH, addressed to President Stephen Bannon, Don’t know whether that got him defenestrated, or the stench, but something dId...

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Likewise, the Trump-humpin’ Chesapeake Bay watermen, who don’t have enough help to get that very perishable crabmeat to market.

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Kobayashi Maru??

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My MIL’s legal middle name is N, when she went thru immigration she said she didn’t have one and they put N.

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I love you for that.

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I don't know. AGGGGGGHHHHHH!

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Ah, my home state. Only two good things have come out of there; thoroughbred horses and Abe Lincoln. It is pretty. And it may have been a border state, but if the freaking union state of Ohio had white/colored drinking fountains, I assure you Kentucky was even worse. Kentucky was a union state in name only.

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Stephen Miller bares a striking resemblance to a young man,in Florida, who killed his mother ,father,and brother,by the name of Grant Amato. He's a piece of shit ,too.

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Aw, shucks.

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Well, Hunter Thompson is from there and Wendell Berry. Love my in-laws and a few long suffering liberal friends, but YES it is a pleasure to sever some of our ties there.

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I hear there is this car floating in space. can we put him in that one?

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Hey now, what did Mars ever do to you?

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That happened. A friend and I went fishing. He drove and parked where all of the other anglers were parked. A ranger came by a little later and told all of us fishing along the bank we were illegally parked and had to move our vehicles. My friend did, and came back saying he'd been ticketed. When we were walking away from the fishing spot later, a ranger truck pulled up to the spot we were passing. Two uniformed employees jumped out, pulled a signpost out of the back of the truck and stuck it in a hole in the ground. It said "No parking beyond this point."

I went to court with my friend to serve as a witness and back him up when he said we parked in what was obviously the parking area because a line of cars was parked there. I wasn't allowed to testify, however. The ranger displayed a map showing a designated parking area. The judge declared my friend guilty.

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