I was somehow not aware of either the TMBG song or this video. Fortunately, there are no membership cards for either fandom, lest I be required to turn mine in.

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Ha! Giggling! Also, I watched “Party of One” last night and a lesson was learned. Or, at the very least, a seed of a lesson was planted.

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Thank God no weapons were harmed!

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OK. So there a bunch of freezers in a field, with a bunch of sheep wandering around.Does he plug all those freezers into a wall receptacle?Are there a lot of extension cords?Or are the sheep wandering around in a giant building full of freezers?Or does he have a bunch of generators?Well, MY inquiring minds would like to know....

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Me, too. I just bought Seasons 1 & 2 at a used bookstore, and am asking for Seasons 3, 4, and 5 for Christmas. Tatiana Maslany is a genius, and I usually can't believe I'm watching the same person portray all of her "Sestras."

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Fine review, Dok. It explains some things that had baffled me; for instance, how that tone-deaf dipshit trump became so adept at manipulating feckless mama's boys and housewives. Bannon may creepy, but that ruthless intelligence makes him a dangerous creep not to be discounted. I like the cut of your jib, and you are now my go-to authority whenever I'm facing oppression by the Man swinging arbitrary temporal preference like a truncheon.

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Here in Eugene, we have a couple of places that take stuff like that - maybe your town does too? One is a computer recycling/re-use store, the other is some kind of gaming store that also offers a lot of second hand and classic games.

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3Jane, absolutely. Now if they really *would* jettison themselves off-planet..

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I, uh.. just got an unfortunate brain confluence between GOLD farming and URINE collection..

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I'm slightly obsessed with Giants since my then-GF-now-wife introduced me to them back in the 90's. They are so damned funny live!

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Thanks, will look into it.

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Now, if we could get an episode where Pinkie meets Lewis Black...

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I would watch that! Would make for a very entertaining spin off, actually. I’m also kind of picturing it like when the Addams Family dad would pop up on Scooby Doo, though it’s somewhat hard to imagine Lewis Black playing to a laugh track.

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Omg today I heard the pony version of “yackity sax” and I’m delighted.

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Myst ruled, It took me a while to figure it out, but it was worth it and the sequel Riven was even better.

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As well to bleach hair.

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