Yes. Carrie's apartment in Homeland, while she's in the hospital, croaking at Saul, "Did you see the work?"

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I'm listening !Click if you allow FB to access your photos - huh ? Why do they want to have access to my photos ?- Ransack my friend list ( FB " Friends " Bwahahahah ! )***** Blindly clicks yes to a list of permissions they don't understand****Yep. Nail/ Head

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Trump is still just everyone's useful idiot. Remember- Mercer, Bannon, and all the rest were backing Ted Cruz before Trump started pulling all that attention.

And if Ted Cruz won the GOP nomination, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now.But when Mercer/Bannon/Cambridge Analytica, the Russians, and Trump came together, all of this fell into focus creating The Axis of Ratfuckery before us.

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Zuckerfuck feels like he’s the victim here. Poor guy. And he swears he will protect your personal info! He really does! That’s why he’s on TV and the internet promising to do all the things he promised he would do back in 2009 to protect your privacy. But didn’t do. Oops.


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Unfortunately even here The Home of the Resistance, and even after we have seen how damaging it can be to democracy itself when sleazy operators like Zuckerfuck and Nix take possession of our data, people are decidedly unenthusiastic about deleting FB. The tech that will destroy mankind might not be killer robots/Terminators. It could very easily be social media.

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He was recently in Italy before their awful elections telling people that Mussolini was a cool guy. Macho. Great dresser. The clown Il Duce.

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Facebook must go. Hey, what tribe does Rebecca Mercer come from that practices female head binding? Have you seen this thing? It`s like it`s been extruded!

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Have you seen her daddy? I think he’s got a case of tubehead himself.

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Hope he stays there.

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No it's not just you. Noticed that months ago.

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My other half bless her heart comes to me regularly with news stories. The first question i ask is where did you read it and if she says fuckbook i say fucking bullshit.

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I think they would look at you screen name and probably use the word disturbed.

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WOW that's the biggest fucking bonse i've ever seen.

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Well played!

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And Fundamentalist Christian.

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I used to think half the population of this world where arseholes but now i think it's getting bigger fucking racists

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