Recall that Hoover's FBI, since they had no idea how to take on the Mob and certainly no way to defeat it, instead just insisted for years that it didn't exist. It took a sheriff or something in upstate Apalachin NY to put 2+2 together and bring it into the open to where Hoover couldn't get away with ignoring it anymore.

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I was told Paul Ryan is Dickhead Eddie Munster. Either way, it's a cult.

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Nah, people with liver disease sleep a lot. Oh. Could be. I think the real mystery is why he wears so many shirts at the same time. 🤔

I say it's going to turn out every single weirdo in this whole presidency/scandal was coked to the gills the whole time. Think about it, they're all rich guys. Hollywood, Wall Street. Whatever category you put Trump into. Cocaine, mark my words.

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Whereas since Trump is a man the crazy it's just a continuous flow.

PS menstruation doesn't make women crazy or emotional. It makes us good at tolerating pain.

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😂😂😂 I don't think the acne medicine is ever that effective. Those are just retouched photos. When this is over maybe he'll get a gig as the before and after photos for some photo fixing app. 😁

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Felonious, violent and ignorant behavior is the sine qua non for the GOP now, watch how many of them go to prison for illegally dealing with the Russian!

Have a great day!

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So I should re-think this? https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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the FF would be shocked to learn telephones existed.

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Most of which are hideously expensive and are so ugly should never be worn again.

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Twitter on Mnuchin's wedding pics?

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The NY-1 reporter should have been fired. He's working in New York City, the media capital of the world. "If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere." NEW...FUCKING...YORK...CITY.

The NY solution to this bullying by Michael Grimm was to throw HIM off the balcony first.

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Hes' got Bannon's balls in his mouth.

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I'm sure they are as cute as his speed bumps.

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Should be t-rump pic on screen.

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They should do a DNA test for Neaderthal genes it could be a new high.

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