WTH is up with Liz Cheney recently????

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I agree with what you say.

But I took her point as being that billionaires, greedy or not, should pay their fair share, subject to the rules that you and I follow.

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Steve King (R-Confederate Iowa) in the position with no committee clout is way better that that alternative.

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$162M is change he found in the car’s ashtray to him at this point

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But that's pretty much SOP for anyone who reaches that rarefied atmosphere- they got there by being cutthroat and playing to win at all costs- the casualties along the way be damned. And that includes all the billionaires who aren't even bothering to give away their billions. I'm certainly not stanning for Gates, but if you're choosing a posterboy for populist outrage there are much better choices. I also don't like the fact that this just helps fuel the wingnut hatred against him specifically when he's trying to help drive vaccine research. I'll never be a member of the Bill Gates fan club by any means, I just think there are much better targets for populist ire...

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Which is true. I'd just aim that argument towards one of the billionaires not trying to give all his money away and actively fighting those tax increases.

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WHY would anyone amass such an obscene concentration of wealth and not save the world with it? What is the fucking point of having that kind of scratch if you don't accomplish something meaningful with it?

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Ain't capitalism grand?

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Man, if you're too extreme for Lizard Cheney, you are truly the worst.

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Now that is a sweet little ride!

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As long as I am a member of the Republican Steering Committee, I will not allow hate & bigotry to influence the legislation passed by Congress. -SiversAs you are a Republican, I call bullshit.

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"King has always been a walking colostomy bag overflowing with fetid racism."

Has anyone done the colostomy bag libel yet?

If not I want to.


Ruch Limburg's colostomy bag

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T'ank you

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Hate and bigotry won't, but corporate dollars will....

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How many Bruce "Batman" Waynes is that? Or Scrooge McDucks?

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