53% of Chris Christie is still a full load of Chris Christie.

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That whole "give the money to the states and local communities" thing worked out sooo well with the Department of Homeland Security.

Local police forces purchased armored cars and tanks and all kinds of military hardware they won't ever need unless Cuba finally does invade Florida, although in that case I seriously doubt any of them will get through the Everglades.

Or the first shopping mall.

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yeah, where's that dude been recently?

prolly getting shot or something.

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well they better hurry up with that support b/c they only have 6 more days and the gender gap is still trending to an all time high.

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Rep Steve King: will you please<i> please</i> <b>please </b>run for president at the earliest opportunity? You <i>so</i> fun<i>nee!</i>

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Why is rat face Eric Kantor not demanding spending cuts before FEMA money is sent to Virginia?

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The robot was recycled from Forbidden Planet.

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