<i>I mean sperm and eggs are life too, aren't they?</i>

And stem cells. Also.

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Steve King is the new Steven King.

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Not to mention stripping all the local forests to make paper for his bloated novels.

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No doubt Winnie's been hitting the mead again.

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<i>shooting a raccoon with an AR-15 in his boxers and boots</i>

The hell was a raccoon doing in boxers and boots? Did he escape from the circus? (Could refer to either the raccoon or your ex-boss.)

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Give it few more days; it'll get worse. I'm such an optimist.

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I'm surprised Steve didn't say he saw Michelle Obama out behind the abortion clinic shooting fetuses in a barrel.

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I have been doing all of my girlfriends' abortions totally wrong. DONT look into the room after you fire the (non?)fatal shot. Then run down the hallway and you're scot free!

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I had an asshole former boss who loved to tell the story of him shooting a raccoon with an AR-15 in his boxers and boots up in cleveland. I think he just lifted king's story. What kind of an idiot lets off an AR with neighbors within a half mile, while half-naked? An asshole, that's what kind.

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my new license plate is VRYURBN

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Once all schools become charterized the kids will learn this from their regular teachers and King's parables will be webcast to the infidels (non-Americans).

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He's just stating Repubican doctrine: <i>Life in the womb is sacred, outside the womb you're on your own, kiddo.</i>

For instance, would he support increased education spending so those kids can compete in the global economy? How about health insurance reforms so those kids are protected from disease or injury? Perhaps, he would favor extending unemployment benefits so their parents can buy food.

We all know the answer -- the Repubican answer to all problems -- is "no, no no, also lower taxes, I love Reagan, 9/11".

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We need to get government off our backs and into the uterus where it belongs.

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“The shit you believe has got your mind all shut.” Frank Zappa

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i thought the most profound moral question of our age was o'bama's birth certificate.

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Danger, danger Mr. King! You start talking about the conception of Jesus, and next thing you know you've created a skeptic and agnostic or two from that group of kids. Best not to have 'em think about such things too deeply while their minds are still inquisitive.

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