If Trump runs against the ACA in 2020, I reckon that makes it a good deal more likely that he'll lose, even if he's not impeached. So I kind of hope he does. But naturally I hope even more that his tax returns will be obtained, that McGahn testifies before congress, that William Barr and Steve Mnuchin and maybe those Number One and Number Two blokes at the IRS, whom Trump installed in those positions for the express purpose of not releasing his tax returns any time before hell freezes and ten thousand little red imps go skating on the ice, are all dismissed from their positions, charged with contempt of congress, indicted and have to pay massive legal fees if nothing else. Donald Trump should appreciate that. It was always his own favourite way of bludgeoning those who oppose him to their knees. Bastard.

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Not very astute at all.

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Maybe Trump will do something relatively minor . . . perhaps invade the US Virgin Islands - should be an easy thing to do. I mean, he DOES seem to think they're a separate entity, having claimed recently to have spoken to the "president of the US Virgin Islands".

Maximum distraction. Minimal liability.

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"cheapest whores in DC" now that's pretty low, given the competition.

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trump is following erdogan's election interference very closely. This is what he and his cohorts will do no matter how many people vote against him. We MUST air his garbage out before the American people right now. Don McGahn just caved to the WH even though he's a private citizen now. Who is not completely craven to this cabal? Who will be our John Dean?

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Highlight, Ctrl C and then Ctrl V.

Hadda do the same.

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McConnell won't let public opinion sway the senate.

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United States invasion of Panama

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Don McGahn is a coward. If he defies Trump, he could imperil his future on the Reicht-Wing Grifter train.

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Also: Trump is not a billionaire. He doesn’t want that to be exposed for all to see.

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Third verse, same as the first.

A little bit louder, and a little bit worse.

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How have they not leaked yet? That is what I wonder.

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Mnuchin seems amenable to financial advantage, but Barr is simply one of the bad guys. They're his peeps and he's doing what he can for them. That doesn't make Barr better than Mnuchin, only different.

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If that happens, I (along with millions of others) shall be irredeemably fucked. No surprise. Let us all hope that I find a decent paying job soon. Stipend work is available, and is not supposed to interfere with my government benefits (although one asshole at the welfare office decided it did and I lost my housing subsidy, and both cash and SNAP for two months), but I really need a real job, one that pays into FICA, so that eventually, one of these years in the far future, I'll qualify for the minimum Social Security payment. That is, if there's any SS left, which there may or may not be, depending on whether or not we can flip the Senate. (I know, a Democratic house won't pass that.)

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It would be interesting to know what they are threatening people with. Must be something significant. And who-- specifically-- is doing it?

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Let me know if this one works: https://abcnews.go.com/Poli...

(edited because I put in the wrong link, durr hey)

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