Well thought out. You sure it's not the nipples?

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The only point of your analysis with which I disagree is that if KJBH had the guts to invade the ROK, the RWNJs would pretty quickly have to settle for groveling before the <i>memory</i> of his mighty power.

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Um, actually I think Obama being black (and a Democrat) pretty well covers it. "Politics ends at the water's edge" has only ever really been true when the Prez is a Republican.

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for most of the right it's a combination of hating Nobama and the blind authoritarianism and cowardice that He_Who_Abides covers rather well above. For Seagal, it's mostly a matter of him being BFF's with Russian arms dealers

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Even a New Berlin. (WI)

EDIT: Pronounced "New BER-lin", because Victory Cabbage or something.

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Chuck Norris better be starring in this picture.

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Chuck Norris thinks the Crimea is too small to bother with.

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A Republican enamored of Putin. Go and figure.

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This dildo obviously obtained his diplomatic training from Dennis Rodman. This is the same fuckwit that killed a 11 month old puppy in one of Joe AARPiehole's raid on supposed cock fighting operation for a tee-vee show.

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Can we sentence Ted Cruz to twenty years of boredom, for trying to change the system from within?

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You tried that once before, and used the "lots of Americans living there" reason too. It didn't work. Queenston Heights and Lundy's Lane, baby.

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