what is clearly a majority of the Democratic Party — the moderate center-left

[citation FUCKING needed]

I mean, I know the whole fucking thing is untethered from reality, but that doesn't just take the cake, it takes the entire bakery.

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I say we lock his mustache in a small hamster cage with John Bolton and just let them fight it out.

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Well you know what they say, when life (or Bloomberg) gives you lemons, make Savannah smiles. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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... masturbating with a bandsaw ...

Damn, that really paints a picture... 😳

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After reading the columnists and pollsters before and after the 2016 election, I don't believe anyone of them, except the junior Fascists. Sadly, they were right in 2016

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I can't believe how many people think that Warren is "establishment", that she'd prefer Biden the status-quo candidate to Bernie the guy whose plans for M4A she disagrees with in detail, not in principle

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But they did worry. So many of the people who were saying "Gore=Dubya, vote Nader" right up to the 2000 election were saying GORE WAS ROBBED, COUNT EVERY VOTE the day after. If they'd been sincere, they WOULD have shrugged. The point is that they were only posing because they thought there would be no consequences for their actions.

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Don't give them any ideas

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Yes, but he will also shovel tens of millions into supporting Biden and other Dem candidates. While masturbating with his billioins.

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I wonder how much research he did before spewing that column.And by "reseach," I mean talking to taxi drivers.

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I don't think either Sanders and Biden has the intelligence, organizational skills and grasp of the really big picture. Bless their hearts.Sending either of them to do "America's Got Talent" on a stage with Trump will dredge up all those dead bodies from the past they've been ignoring. Putin knows.Warren is the obvious anti-establishment candidate, simply by virtue of her gender and education. We need a competent manager who can rip heads off GOP survivors and explain to America WHY she ripped them, and what WILL change.A woman in charge will throw a spanner in the well-oiled DC machine, designed to seduce the average white guy. They got Obama, too. But Hillary has never been one of them, so she was never fooled by the sweet, sweet drug of status quo.(I am old enough to remember the fight for a women's room in the Senate chambers.)Trump routinely falls apart when challenged by women. He cannot grasp to concept of woman as opponent. His hatred of Hillary stems from his humiliation at her hands. He has no defenses against them.Confronted by Warren, he will blurt out 'Pocahontas' at some point. She's got the long knives out for that one. She's been slaying snide students for decades. Look in her eyes. She enjoys a good battle.For Biden or Bernie, its just another debate. For her, it's personal. Trump offends her. As an American, as a trained thinker who has turned her talents to the problems that confront us. I will vote blue, but I will not campaign, donate or canvass. I've been waiting 40 plus years for a man to 'grant' me my full and equal rights. It's finally sunk in, they like the status quo.

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This is what happens to your soul when you're married to an heiress and collect a paycheck from the Sulzbergers.

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DNC betrayed Hillary by allowing an interloper to primary her. Then complain he was cheated out of a victory in a contest he had no right to run in.Why did Perez not gift him a copy of the DNC rule book, and invite him to submit a membership application? With his taxes attached.An essay on "why superdelegates protect average voters from exploitation while giving weight to dedicated DNC party stalwarts."He has not been vetted.Hillary level vetting, not gentlemen's vetting.Why are random rich white guys allowed to buy their way into competition with professional government servants?Government is the opposite of a business. It should never be privatized. Democracy relies on a civil servant presence at every level of government. Contractors and the internet (alien to many, many rural Americans) is not "government BY the People, FOR the People. Civil servants act as a wall between politicians and lobbyists. A wall of expertise and a wall with a proprietary interest in how tax dollars are spent.The Unitary Executive Theory of the Presidency has expanded the Executive's reach beyond its grasp. Time to declare peace, disarm, and start investing in our children and our planet.That is not the specialty of American males, though we have made great strides, B&B don't typify that progressiveness, especially in the details.I want my Mom. Dad doesn't grasp the fine points.

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Watching her dance recital. How creepy is that?

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I've been banned from FB and Twitter. Daily Kos is looking at me funny. If this was the 15th century, they'd burn me at the stake. Bots and incels, wounded by my interpretation of Christianity. My professional creds are pretty easy to lock in on so I use what I can find, like Reddit.Very tranquil, in a way.I have determined I want a woman candidate. I want Warren. So I'm doing a Bernbot.:I will vote blue, no matter which white guy it is. If it is a white guy, I will not donate, canvass or rally. But I will vote blue. I'm erasing them between now and election day. I just can't deal with another white guy.

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AG Kamala Harris. We need her to clean up DoJ and terminate Homeland Security in to it's pre-9/11 components. And have ICE humanely put down.VP Stacey Adams?

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