My beloved reads Deadspin every day, and sends me the things he likes best. Two days ago, it was a piece about Trumplethinskin being booed that enchanted him by beginning:

Every now and then, Boris Johnson stumbles stammering down a street in England looking like a toilet brush that has somehow been granted admission to a fancy private school."

Any piece that describes the Front Row Joes as "partisans deranged enough to wait for hours outside a mid-sized arena to hear Trump tell a 17-minute story about how he definitely had a good and many would say even great chance with Cheryl Tiegs in 1982" is a piece worth reading.


Jim Spanfeller sounds like the kind of asshole who has ruined multiple companies I've worked for....blameshifting, mediocre wankers more interested in gutting companies than in running them.

RIP Deadspin.

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After finally watching "Arrested Development" and understanding some of the references like "Egg Romney," I thought Wonkette could publish an almanac of references including "cakes we like" and other iconic wonkette posts. Maybe chapters from Nice Things or the recipe hub or science posts (like the octopii.)

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Disqus is the worst commenting platform except for all the others. They tried another one once, it sucked more.

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Just as hard as being "maybe I should shear this sheep and sell the wool - nah, I'll turn it into mutton."

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And I agree with the sentiment, just not the messaging. I'm frustrated that Editrix is addicted to putting writers on full time. She needs an intervention, before she sinks this raft we are all clinging to. Yes it is her raft to sink, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't care what she does with it. I disagree that they are half-arsed writers. Yes they have very strong opinions that I often disagree with. I am interested in hearing their perspective sometimes.Editrix, if you read this, please remember, if wonkette goes down then you will have to fire all your writers.Everyone else who reads this who doesn't donate. Fucking donate.

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Whatever floats your boat I guess but, and this is very real, he will someday, forget his charger or misplace his phone or drop it and wack it out beyond any use but maybe just a phone. I've done all those things and soaked mine numerous times in numerous ways.

Technology is good but the very best and real tradesman know how to do everything with nothing more than a framing square a few tools and their brains. I reinvented theories and then was told, hey that's such and such, like the Pythagorean theory.

If one can see past their project and realize what plumb, flat and square is and stick to that, one could go far.

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Wonkette used to run ads for this skin lotion with a picture of someone scraping jizz off an aloe leaf. I believe that was the final straw for Editrix taking the site completely reader-supported.

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I never read a single article that I was aware of. Maybe I did but didn't realize? The new media style of pay to read and subscribe or be limited just PO's me so I say, fuck even your 3 free articles and I just block them completely. I can't and wouldn't subscribe to all of them and can only read so much what with having a life and all, hence my slow response to you. I dig Wonkette and its getting better even with the new writers. Stephen is my fave but I like them all for the most part. Evan kills it daily, Rebecca chimes in and that kind of keeps up continuity. The ladies are all great in fact. I give a little but plan to up it when the newbs become full time.

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hmmmm....Page Six doesn't "report". They repeat. They have no attribution and they are generally centered on celebutards for people who are expected to know all of the people on reality shows.I doubt that Deadspin had one person who could do "investigative" journalism on the same level that an intern for ESPN OTL could do--and I certainly don't hold ESPN as the gold standard. They came off as frat boys who had shitty takes. I'm a Wonkette regular, so "vulgarity" doesn't register as a negative.

I repeat--they got screwed by greedheads, and I respect the decision those people made to walk. But in the near distant future, the critical consensus will come back towards my opinion: they weren't that great at what they thought they were doing.

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I wouldn't even attempt to compare Wonkette to most other sites I peruse for information of all types. If Deadspin had aspired to be half the site that Wonkette is, it still would've been only about 20% as good.

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That would be a good logo to print on under pants.

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By your own reckoning you regularly ignored deadspin and indeed, "never gave it any thought to begin with", so expressing any opinion on the subject, let alone doubling down when challenged, puts you squarely in dunning-kruger territory. And your sterotypes are outdated: deadspin abandoned the fratboy mode of internetting years ago, that's one of the sources of their feud with barstool.

It's irresponsible of you to defame the journalists who worked there by questioning their abilities when, by your own admission, you don't know enough about the subject to have an informed opinion. And repeating your cya graf doesn't make your behavior less irresponsible, nor will it fool anyone who's read what you are really here to say into believing you are on deadspin's side.

Since you think enough of yourself as an internet commenter to tout your bona fides as a "regular" (nice little power play move there, directed to a new poster) you should really try to do better, because the main effect of your behavior is to impeach your own character and credibility.

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That is probably the best description of Boris Johnson. To be honest I'm clueless when it comes to American sports - I only read the Deadspin articles that were linked to Jezebel, and they were pretty much on point when it came to sexism and unfairness in sport. And Splinter too is getting shut down? Grrr.

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If we were allowed to wear pants

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That's so sad abut Deadspin, it was an awesome site. I hope the editors and writers find a way to start another site.

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