Until partisans learn from their mistakes (pre-selecting the most disliked Democrat in the history or the party) partisans will continue to lose.

I want to WIN with candidates who support popular, New Deal policy.

Third-way neoliberals are only Republicans. "Single payer will never, EVER come to pass!"Did she forget that Social Security and Medicare are single-payer... does she "privately" oppose those as well? Wikileaks showed that she privately wanted to "fix" them on the "service" side... cuts.

Transparency is essential to Democracy.

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Unfortunately, "we came, we saw, he died," and neoliberal neocons endorsed and engaged in foolish regime change throughout the entire area.

As a direct result, the world has encountered a refugee crisis that has affected 3X the number of people than the Holocaust.

Corruption, deception and greed have a horrendous human cost. That isn't OK, even if they have a magic "D" behind their name.

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Confusing elections and government activity with the military again?

Simpletons would love Myanmar and Pinochet.

Try to understand both sides of issues rather than pushing partisan rhetoric.

Transparency is essential for Democracy.

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Military strategy is not political!

Pinochet your hero?

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I did not realize that you consider America a Military state. We are a Democracy where transparency is essential.

Do you hate all the press or just the press that reports ALL the truth. That sounds like the partisan nature of the Republicans.

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Do you hate the press when they provide transparency in government?

Don't become a Republican and oppose the truth and transparenty in government.

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Become informed and learn our Constitution, PLEASE. It's the FIRST AMENDMENT; you won't have to read far.

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We have freedom of the press in America. Pay attention. Wikileaks is a publisher.

Why do you hate the First Amendment? Do you want tRump editing or eliminating speech?

Join us in Democracy where the fourth estate provides transparency and is essential.

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Isn't that what tRump has been saying all along? You are unwittingly supporting his position against freedom of the press.

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I bet your teachers had a handful trying to help you "learn". Teachers are angels on earth.

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I think you missed the point.

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But seriously, you said all government should be open. The military is part of the government. And the President is the civilian Commander in Chief if the military.

Ergo, the military should be open.

QED, dumbass.

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See above.

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Why is everything black and white to you?

How old are you?

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You are not the press. And you need to go back and re-read your First Amendment.

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