He can be relied upon to not be black.

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Kids like it.

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I hope not.

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The fuck you say.

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I don't have tv, and I've never read one of her books, but occasionally I'll see a column. I'd describe her stuff as "extremely basic" rather than "worthless". What I find annoying is the way she dispenses the very basic info as if it were some kind of exotic revelation.

But perhaps that's how she gets the attention of the folks you describe.

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Guessing we won't be hearing too much about the "wisdom of the market" on CNBC for a while.

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Do they really claim that they're providing a service here? I thought they at least had the honesty to admit they're doing it for pure profit, and then say that we should allow it to continue because as a side-effect it increases liquidity, and that's good because they say so now shut up that's why.

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Oh, I have long despised the man.

He's <em>totally</em> the kind of asshole who'd pin a kid down and cut his hair for daring to look like an individual.

Also, a <a href="http:\/\/maddowblog.msnbc.com\/_news\/2012\/07\/27\/12994571-chronicling-mitts-mendacity-vol-xxvii\?lite" target="_blank">pathological liar</a>.

Quite an unendearing combination, I find

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Joey Ramone, that you?

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In other words, he's only willing to publicly prejudice final status negotiations to the benefit of one side.

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But who'd clean up all the head fragments?

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Lies! Floam has a use.

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Pervs are NBC's target audience. At least this year they did actually air <em>some</em> of the women's court volleyball team. In 2004 the only women's volleyball they showed was beach, whereas the men's coverage was split 50/50 between court and beach.

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To say nothing of <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Blood_atonement" target="_blank"> blood atonement.</a>

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Well, they <i>had</i> to say that, didn't they, because otherwise how could they take the other side of the trade?

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What are you puttin' in those pies, DBB? ;>) You may want to ease up on the special filling.

Seriously, though, considering all the things he could have said, your subconscious let you off pretty easy.

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