We need to pay more attention to these White People Grievances! If only the media would lend an ear or a microphone

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Wedge Issues

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“It’s a Sand Trap”

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Cool. Mind if I play through or do I have to call 5-0 to cop-splain?

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How is calling the police in any way "amicable." They don't know the meaning of the word.

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I was actually pretty stunned when I realized two different authors basically had the same idea and had been forced to run with it for their and their colleagues' literal survival. Gives you pause.

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I wish we could safely say this was a problem confined only to Trump supporters. I fear it's much more widespread and probably even includes many who consider themselves liberal. I'm a liberal, so I'm not trying blame others. I'm saying this work we as white people need to do. We as white people have stop calling police on black for stupid, not actual emergency reasons.

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But I don't know anymore. Maybe in any of the towns a black woman could wind up pinned to the floor of a diner, because she asked to see the manager one day.

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The police officers who arrested Minassian are being hailed as heroes. Despite holding what appeared to be a gun, Minassian was not shot by the officers. During a press conference, the police chief confirmed that Minassian was not found with a gun. He said the officers’ training emphasizes avoiding violence.As opposed to here in MAGA country.

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Oh man, I am so sorry for all of that. Addiction is a bitch and one that is so misunderstood, especially by those in a position of power.

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That’s the point.

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It takes balls to make that phone call.

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Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden, and that goes double if they're black ladies. I want to awaken in the alternate universe where Hillary won.

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Kinda like, if they don’t clean their restrooms, the kitchen’s probably not too clean either.

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Maybe he’ll work something in about sandwiches too

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crowdfunding for some cropduster planes and fill the tanks with brine?

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