It depends on the method, really...

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Hey, naked, masturbating, cell-phone heaving Orlando woman, now that you've been released from jail, what are you doing next?

"I'm going to Disneyworld!"

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“I haven’t slept in three days trying to figure out how the hell [the gun] went off. I don’t know. I mean them damn guns. The shotgun goes off when it wants to. I almost blew my damn head off twice.”

No regrets about his actions, no lessons learned, just sheer bewilderment that the accidental discharge that he personally witnessed several times before happened once again. "Them damn guns". This is the mentality we're dealing with.

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It never seems to worry McDonell-Douglas. Do you think defence contractors lay awake at whether the government can afford all the equipment the Army didn't want, yet Congress seems to think they need.

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Ah, yes, the age old question "How do you get the weed out of an asshole? Answer: Practice, practice, practice"...

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I really cannot fathom how any shooting death is not prosecuted. All of them should be reckless indifference (manslaughter) at the least. That includes shootings by kids, if you leave your gun around where a kid can get their hands on it, that should also be reckless indifference.

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Get caught selling weed 3 times, go to jail FOREVER. Shoot a pregnant lady in the head and kill her, "meh, these things happen"Surreal

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yeah, but if it was a cop, it would have presented the classic dilemma: If I shoot the Dunkin' guy, I might not get the donut.

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I don't think she was wanking her anium. I think she was wanking her vagium. No?

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Wankurvagium sounds very heavymetalish.

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"Stop cramming things in the out hole, would you?"

I thought Wonkette was firmly pro buttsecks....

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Worth noting: Mr. Van Winkle was stealing from Bowie years ago.

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“I haven’t slept in three days trying to figure out how the hell [the gun] went off. I don’t know. I mean them damn guns. The shotgun goes off when it wants to.”

Apparently, guns do kill people.

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decisions, decisions . . . loyal protective dog companion or guy with donut?

*BANG* sorry, dog.

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Also too, get yerself a copy of Big Daddy's "Sgt. Pepper" album. The classic redone in styles from the Coasters through Johnny Mathis to Buddy Holly. Musicianship meets hilarity.

[The preceding was an unpaid endorsement from the FlownOver LMAO Foundation]

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