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My semester went pretty well, no crazier at the end than usual. Except that a parent of a freshman emailed me and after a couple of exchanges, told me that my class (a sophomore level Abnormal Psychology class) was too hard for a freshman and that freshmen shouldn't be encouraged to take it. I hope your exam is going well and meets my criteria of a successful exam, where no one cries, bleeds or throws up.

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But a Xtian <i>might</i> see a homosexx person in one of these stores, then have to gouge his/her eyes out! That's the rule, isn't it? "If an eye offend thee, pluck it out"?

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Fundamentalists will never run out of lumber, nails, and pearls to clutch.

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<i>"If you want to let a gay person shop in your store, you are by definition forcing everyone else to go watch gay porn and masturbate..."</i>

Just to clarify, people can watch gay porn and masturbate without the sticker, right?

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<i>"Ironically,this sticker represents the very promotion of discrimination…against the freedom of religious convictions."</i>

Ironically, this statement discriminates against religious convictions that accept everyone as a child of God in all the wondrous variety He put on Earth.

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It's okay - angerbear dollars are scarce because they send all their monies to grifters like Palin and this clown.

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It's not just some portion of hundreds; something like 80-90% of all bills in circulation have cocaine on them because the fine powder gets transferred really easily in money-counting machines and whatnot.

But you raise an excellent point; being in the same building as one of those stickers definitely turns the money gay.

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You mean those cakes we like?

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I weep to think of all the times I sang "Jesus loves the little children" as a small child, not realizing that it was written expressly to discriminate against white people.

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