Hey, he just saved those soldiers so they could be jihaded by his friends! I'm onto those sneaky muslins!

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with votes

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That seems like a reasonable wish, with votes. It might also help, with votes, if everyone realized that dealing with The Donald means that you are dealing with Putin and the reconstituted Russian mob, who are not people you want to deal with with votes.

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Into how small a unit can you divide time?

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But how does this explain his equally thin-skinned and vindictive children?

I think it is more a feature than a bug.

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And probably very "Christian."

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I joined that minority group, temporarily, nearly four months ago, and came dangerously close to joining it permanently.

Curiously, this has not led me to mocking the disabled in public.

I guess I don't have what it takes to be a Republican Presidential candidate.

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Well now, right there, that's the main difference between The Donald and me.

The very second I read "mild cerebral palsy" I felt that pesky empathy thing. Not pity, just the natural human emotion, where you compare your own woes with others and realize that it could be a lot worse for me, that I wish it were not so for you and that we have to help each other.

I could happily give, well maybe not all I have, but something I have, like higher taxes in return for more medical research, to make this better for you.

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I like a tontine that aren't looooozers.

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Oh, stop even pretending you’re surprised.

ME LIBELZ!!!!!11!11!!!!!

I never once pretended I was surprised.

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Though typical of a bully like Trump that the person he wants to hit is much smaller than him.

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There is 63% percent of white men who believe Trump. I'm a white man doesn't believe Trump.

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He has layers of pathology. The dementia is just the newest thing on top of the narcisisstic personality disorder and what I I suspect is a touch of ADHD and garden variety dumb. The kids are raised in daddy's image but seem marginally more functional.

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The asshat known as Trump was in my town today. They robbed me of Judge Judy for his bullshit airing live. He tried and tried to cover for the making fun of the disabled and Megyn Kelly stuff. It didn't seem like the very repub Colorado Springs audience believed him. Calling hilllz crooked and what not, they were all over, but it didn't seem even his choir believed him on this BS.

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This is just a hypothetical, but would wishing him into the Total Perspective Vortex be within the acceptable boundaries?

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“I had no idea what he looked like. He said he met me and I knew. He said he met me in the 1980s. I had no idea.”

Well, of course not. Why would he remember Kovalesky? His name isn't Donald Trump.

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