Ou la la Nikki with the cleavage slit in her dress. I have to say, that is not UN Ambassador appropriate attire.

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If he anything over 5 inches, he would be a different person, with a different personality, and we would be in a different place.

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I say make all the money you can and good on ya for doing it! https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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First porn star to become famous NOT because of the films she was in.

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I think she's doing it on purpose.

She has an NDA that blocks her from telling the truth, but she despises twitler and isn't ready to lie to the public to protect him. So, she lets someone else make her "statement" (probably one of shitmouth's lawyers), and then intentionally does a terrible job of making it seem believable. It's pretty funny actually.

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Is "wrench" the new euphemism for what we used to call a "blue steel hard-on"?

I think wrench sounds mighty fine!

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.... so he'd be a rich sexually confident a-hole instead of an overcompensating a-hole.

Sorry, not really buying it.

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I did say "different" not "better."

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Can never keep calm again.

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Wow, I get use this twice in one day.https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Fromme ye dayes when spelle-cheque was iust a gleeme in ye ey of Sirr Rogere Baconn.

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She's truly bright. I mean that, nonironically. Do you realize how often I say something nonironically?

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Waiting for a movie deal? An HBO series, five years, sixty episodes? Can't blame her. I can't wait! Tim Allen starring as Trump?

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