My parents had boxes of the stuff - it dated back to the 1930s.

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"Where coming in third is a triumph!"

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I can see their ire. One of my gay friends always sneaks glitter in birthday cards. I should know better but damnit I get caught every time. The only good thing is that I now have a cordless vacuum.

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These fragile boys best not come to Santa Barbara during Solstice or Fiesta, and experience confetti eggs... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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This isn't a "straight pride" parade. It's just another Nazi hate rally/riot. They probably figured it was easier to get a permit for a "straight pride parade" than a "white pride street brawl". In their tiny minds, some of them might actually believe it's a "straight pride" event because Nazis and other fascists hate gays even more than they hate Jews and brown people.https://www.independent.co....

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"Observe my formerly gay, yet still totally fabulous (and non gay) hot bod!"

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um.. sorry.

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pixie stix are the Devil's Work, didn't ya know!?!?!?11!

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I think modern tinsel is Mylar. MUCH safer.

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I wasn't offended; it was simply language she wouldn't use. I, on the other hand ...

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Which would explain my sister.

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Now they'll have to spend Saturday night washing glitter out of their hair.

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Wow, can I be your proof reader?

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there was something about new tumbl or similr... Yep, take out the space after "new" and you got it.

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Glitter is also available as a "rainbow pack", so there's a thing if you really want to freak these idjits out.

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There is a brand of Easter grass that is edible. It's German, it doesn't taste great, but eating it won't harm you. I bought a packet just to see if it was delicious. I tried a couple of strands and then gave away the rest of it to whoever I could sucker into taking some.

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