Did you know that Abraham Lincoln exchanged friendly letters with Karl Marx?

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I'm not sure how to explain "if it's something you're gonna be in for long periods of time it should be comfortable" .

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All my JDs were assembled before 10/13/21.My suburban neighbors still give me fishy looks. LIKE i'M GONNA TILL OUT YOUR ROSE GARDEN, PEEPS!

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Call him dumb and lazy the next time he gets a more comfortable chair.

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Yes. Still takes a long ass time to heat to full operating temperature.

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Like most companies in this position, Deere has reassigned non union salaried workers to do the actual work. That's working about as well as you'd expect.

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Every time and every question, do this.

0) Turn his mic off.1) Remind him of his words by playing tapes of him saying he has the best brain, words, and memory.2) Ask him the question.3) Second reminder of his words of him saying he has the best brain, words and memory.

4) Turn his mic on.5) Watch him squirm, SQUIRREL, and stutter6) Do this for 11 hours like the GOP did to HIllary.

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I am sure there are a non-zero number, but they aren't the current leadership

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At least the corporate owned media reports. (though sometimes Telemundo covers labor disputes).. At one time, journalists were considered just working class slugs who could wield a typewriter... in the halcyon days pre_J School Now... not so much (er... not at all).

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as a nurse & disability rights activist, if it's something you work in regularly it shouldn't cause disabilities.

vibrations + unpadded seats from them old-fashioned tractors aren't just uncomfortable, they can cause migraines, joint pain or back & nerve issues as well as hand and arm problems like carpal tunnel. (it's cool, farmers never work with vibrating equipment that could exacerbate carpal tunnel or joint pain!)

I mean what's the worst thing that could happen to a disabled farmer, Michael? they don't have to work any more? https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Ta, Robyn. I'm still waiting for the negotiations between my network's HR and the union, SEIU-1199. So far, management has offered us a 2% raise for two years. The CEO of the nonprofit makes 30 times what I make, and I actually work really hard. His wife makes 15 times my meager pay.

We workers kept the lights on during the pandemic, while management worked from home. I want to be a Union maid!

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You are correct. My bad, I guess my sinus infection is frying my brain and my memory right now. Thanks for catching this. I hate to give out erroneous information.

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I support you 100000%.

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Not in Michigan, at least, not in published case law in Michigan. I know what the MCCA is, it’s a huge bank of funds all insurance companies pay into, directly from our premiums. Each driver’s policy even shows the exact amount which goes into the fund. The point is, after the first $600k (or so), each insurance company gets 100% reimbursement from the CAT fund. All catastrophic claims are funded by that fund typically within the first year or two of long-term care. The vast majority of large claims are paid by the MCCA, not the carriers. And the MCCA has billions in surplus. The system is fully solvent. But the insurance lobby fights tooth and nail to keep from paying claims. I can see why No-Fault systems fail. And now, Michigan has slashed benefits for long-term care nearly in half.

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if there is any upside to a global pandemic, it will be that society finally discovered who is essential to their everyday lives. Who’d have imagined that your grocery clerk is WAY more important, in the big scheme of things, than some high-flying hedge funder, eh? Working people realizing their own value-what a concept! Have mourned the death of organized labor since the era of (former union president) Ronnie Raygun. Yeah, they’ll likely meet with some “commie” resistance, but the dumb schlubs who fell for Trumpism are precisely the folks who need a raise. We truly hope this marks a watershed moment...

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