I figure they burn it down every night, and then build it back so they can repeat the process.

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It was banned in Ireland when it came out, so you can be sure I made it my business to see it!Iirc I imported a VHS copy from somewhere (France, I think?) and watched it drunkenly with friends. It's soooooooo terrible! I watched it a couple years back with a friend who had never seen it, and it is still hilariously godawful.

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I'm with you. Probably dried out little hockey pucks.

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The independent contractor designation is being used more and more to screw people out of proper compensation and benefits. Employees are employees. Fucking pay them.

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*snorted my tea*

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They did, Jimmy Carter's "lust in my heart" article was insightful and I enjoyed John Lennon's interview too. I bought first husband a 'script so I could read it.

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It makes as much sense as their fantasy.

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They pitched it as combatting child sex trafficking which is absolutely important. But by forcing craigslist and Backpage to stop adult ads, the best way to track the kid traffickers is gone. It doesn't make anyone safer in any way.

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Yeah, but if everyone else is in on the joke, but the lead isn't, you have a MAJOR problem.

The same thing happened with Vampire in Brooklyn.

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That’s true. A lot of gay people still love it, though.

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It’s not, and no one cares, because strippers.

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I wasn’t aware that he had defended Batali. The funniest take on Twitter was that Trump had finally broken Gaffigan.

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At least that movie destroyed the screenwriting career of Joe Esterhaus, whose female characters fall into two categories: sluts and evil sluts.

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"Middle class" isn't just a label which means something you don't like.

"As socialist feminists, we believe that all workers deserve dignity! There is noreason sex work is any different from any other type of labour when you stripaway oppressive patriarchal standards of morality.'


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I think Robyn's been watching Jim Gaffigan videos again.


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"Dancers Jaime Gilbo and Alyssa Smith sued Brass Pole, an establishment in Elyria, Ohio, where they used to work, along with its owner Harley Rowe... ."

Of course. Because Harley Quinn wouldn't treat them this shabbily!

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