There's no shortage of people eager to fleece credulous right-wingers and their irony-immune libertarian pals. For example, I'd bet anything some of these gun-hugger students have made a wise investment in over-priced gold coins.

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And that's why i susggest the Black Student Union get the University to sponsor a poker night where the "prize" is white people sold into sexual service. I'm sure they would get the full support of these libertarians.

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So...what's a crayon on acid like?


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Whiskey-pistols don't cock right?

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The primary symptom of writer's block would be to NOT write back, I think.Although there is the variation that afflicts me all too often, where I spew words in every direction except at the target.

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Indeed. But fiercely independent only in their own dreams.

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That was old-school L's. Now they are just Republicans who want to be able to say "nuh-uh, that's not what I meant" when their ideas become bad policy.

You can tell the difference when you ask them about abortion.

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That's a symptom of procrastination, not writer's block.Just like this is!I honestly do not know whether : ) or : ( is more appropriate.

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Dat's right. TEA party doesn't really stand for Taxed Enough Already since the taxes for median incomes are LOWER under Obama than Dubya or Raygun.

It stands for Total Economic Amnesia, because they forgot how DISASTROUS Reagan and Dubya were for the Middle Class...

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"We probably should not expect too much logical consistency from Oregon gun fondlers, since this is the state where a county Republican party celebrated the lives of Martin Luther King and Abraham Lincoln by raffling off an AR-15."

I get that you are just talking about the wingnuts, but lets not make it sound like Oregon is in any way a red state - we have gone blue the last 6 pres elections at least, D governor, D legislature, etc. We legalized marriage equality before Obergefell, and later today I might just pick up some legal weed...

Yes, we have kooks, but even the bluest state (RI?) has them too!

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Sounds like the 21st century liberturdian version of the SDS chapter we had at my college in the late 1960s. They spent their rather brief tenure obsessitating over burning issues such as a barb wire fence around a construction site that students had been cutting through. ("barb wire is for cattle, not for people!")

(edited typo; thanks, Gregory)

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Kind of like some Righties in Alaska.

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Are you sure you are not talking about SDS?

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Thank you - I was thinking the same thing. As a Ducks fan, I have seen them on the correct side of several issues. They are far from being right wing nut jobs.

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LOL, yes, that was a huge Freudian slip -- it's the acronym for my employer. They have no opinion on barbed wife AFAIK. Thanks for spotting the blooper.

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de nada. I'm an editor by trade.

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