You know, if Republicans really believed that Zimmerman wasn't a racist, they wouldn't be going balls-to-the-wall to defend him as a hero.
Now, is Georgie boy enjoined from paying his bills by letting <i>the lawyers</i> punch his face? &#039;Cause I&#039;d pay to watch that.
Needz moar Send George Zimmerman to Mississippi crowdfunding. Please?
You know, if Republicans really believed that Zimmerman wasn&#039;t a racist, they wouldn&#039;t be going balls-to-the-wall to defend him as a hero.
NBC stood its ground.
If I were Zimmerman, I&#039;d be more worried about his lawyers than NBC. Lawyers really do not like getting stiffed on the bill.
And when he dies and goes to Hell, he&#039;ll be surrounded by damned corporations. Enron. Dominos Pizza.
Another promising career, derailed by activist judges!
Now, is Georgie boy enjoined from paying his bills by letting <i>the lawyers</i> punch his face? &#039;Cause I&#039;d pay to watch that.
<i>Worse, his fledgling career as an artist seems to have stalled out...</i>
Can&#039;t he, like, plagiarize his own successful painting? That seems to have worked before.
"Oh, and we suppose that the 17-year old that Zimmerman shot to death because he was a black kid in the wrong place at the wrong time"
Po' lil ol' trey trey martin was a thug that got what he asked for from a "creepy white fa''ot!"