Ugh... <b>Occupy Wall Street Doesn't Adequately Represent Struggling Black Population, Experts Say</b> <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.c..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/06/occupy-w...">http://www.huffingtonpost.c...

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well for sure they'll live longer.

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That's why they're Hateriots.

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<i>But not a peep about the Abercrombie & Fitch-meets-Apple central casting mob swamping lower Manhattan</i>

if my demographic was 'fatgirlslikeniceclothestoo....' and the scooter store i wouldn't make a peep either.

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Is Malkin getting some basic fact wrong, then basing an entire argument on it, going to be a <a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/453951\/michelle-malkin-hates-onion-hostage-joke-because-it-lacked-democrats" target="_blank">weekly</a> thing now?

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"Fucking percentages -- how do they work?"

-M. Malkin

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I think the full quote is...

"I don't have any facts to back this up, but MSNBC and the protesters are all white."

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And Michael Steele ... who bungled the Repubicans into their biggest electoral victory in decades. And was fired by the TP'ers for his success.

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Possibly she believed you can become white by injection.

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If Fox news wants to be all inclusive and reflective of their demographic they need to hire more fat people.

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Some think that the second amendment is a mandate to own any weapon that may be available to the military forces (militia), in order to oppose (regulate) such forces when they oppress the NRA /redneck / tea party people.

Any attempt by the 'dirty hippies' to 'regulate' the NYPD, would, of course, be a communist plot.

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And if there were more minorities in the photos, Fox could claim that as proof that all the protesters were on welfare, anyway.

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Portland cement

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And Clarence Page and Melissa Harris-Perry have efficiency apartments at the MSNBC studios.

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No matter how hard you try, you can't fuck yourself into white-itude. Just doesn't work.

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It's cuz she is kinda hawt, until she opens her mouth.

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