I can't envision a single economic downside to preventing some people from getting to work, or deciding that their paycheck isn't enough to cover getting to work.

Not a single downside!

*Caught with invisible hand down invisible pants*

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"The Economic Benefits of Ransoms"

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Come now, this was just an "emergency" after all, with big Stossel-finger-quotes around it.

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Peak Dipshit is a MYTH!

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<blockquote>Drivers who really need gas would be able to get it.</blockquote>

How does this logically follow "If gas stations could raise prices, many of those drivers would wait, and drive less." ? Drivers who can't afford $20/gallon gas can't possibly "need" it? Is he for real?

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Because it is worth waiting to see the looks on their faces when they have to announce the elections results?

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Now, to be fair, those refugees had never had it so good.

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Who the fuck would take him?

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And then it'll change to a soap stand, also with prices just barely out of his reach, that could wash the awful stench of demon wee out of his moustache, where it shall remain for all time.

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So that's not a porn-stache on Stossel, it's a mirror polisher!

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Flooded and rebuilt THREE TIMES, just for the awesomeness of his record.

Also, he'll admit it, he'll just claim it is <i>smart business</i> for him to take it.

Basically, you take a normal person, and replace any semblance of shame with a giant prop moustache.

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I heard this as well!

I am still waiting for them to have an economist on to explain why looting during natural disasters makes the most economic sense, and you never hear enough economists talking about the benefits of kidnapping, due to the micro-marketing of such high-demand unique products as children back to their parents!

What's the risk-return ratio on John Stossel children? Or perhaps, fuck economists with rolled-up dollars?

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FOUR STACHE ENTERS, ONE STACHE LEAVES (but everyone wishes it was zero)

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Could some economist please calculate the ROI on eating John Stossel?

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What a nice, lovely Modest Proposal you've got there, John Stossel.

I'd hate for something <i>bad</i> to happen to it. *snips off corner of giant moustache*

Yous a smart guy, you'd pay money to keep something like that safe, wouldntcha?

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I hate mimes...and I hate mimes that are also magicians. However, I wish John Stossel would take a cue from a mime and just shut the fuck up.

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