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Impeach Hunter Biden!!1!

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If he keeps this up, he will go down as the worst POTUS ever (facts be damned)!

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Yay Joe!

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As I remember, Joe Manchin INSISTED the bill be called the IRA or he wouldn't play.

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I am concerned that emissions reduction goals are a bit like continuing to stab and already stabbed body reduction goals.

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Dok, your math is wrong on the healthcare savings. The three year extension of the supplemental contribution is saving my household 24,000.00 per year in monthly premiums. Swear to Dawg, when the IRA barely finally passed, I cried, then I called my Congresswoman Doris Matsui's office and thanked her and her staff.

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Wow, Whar NYT interview… oh, they are busy with Cleatus Safari.

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Ta, Dok. Nice Times.

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The next step is a law making it illegal for HOAs to ban solar panels from roofs, similarly to how TV antennas and dishes are now protected.

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Solar shingles might have gotten around that prohibition. Unfortunately, we gave all our solar shingle money to Elon to develop that for us.

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I put on MSNBC to watch the President's speech. After about a few minutes, Katy Tur broke off the feed and began asking some guy stuff like "When are we going to see the inflation reduced?" Same story with CNN. So sick of this MSM treatment after all the hours they would run for PAB, ranting nonsense. Anyway, glad to see it all here.

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It's like that time Bendean kicked old sparky in the sack. Most of us don't remember that either. We suck.

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"We assume that would also include some chunk of Republicans who are angry that he’s doing anything at all ..."

Republicans are going to answer with whatever is negative for Biden regardless of the policy or their knowledge and understanding of the policy.

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My hubby builds desperately needed townhouses and apartment buildings in our expensive west coast city. Even though he doesn't work with office buildings, we're about to become collateral damage because commercial real estate is now in a 2008-style financial crisis due to the surge in interest rates over the last year.

They've been hit by a triple-whammy of high interest rates, high labor rates, and high vacancies in office buildings. The banks have slammed their doors shut, and two of the developers he works with have gone bankrupt. Others are on the edge and can't pay their bills.

Even though we've worked as hard as we possibly can, we're about to be wiped out for the third time in +20 years due to the criminal mismanagement of the economy. Whenever I read about how great the economy is, I just wanna scream. It's a living nightmare.

I pray this doesn't hit the rest of America next year right before the election, when scumbag far-white voters are eager to pull the trigger on a $hitler dicktatorship to finish us off in a national murder-suicide.

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As someone who was wiped out only once, and would have been again were it not for the COVID/ wildfire support, I hurt and rage with you. The media only tells the story that can sell clicks or can't be ignored. Like Harlan Ellison said: "I have no mouth, and I must scream."

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Go Joe!

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So I went to find the article where Dok explained the homeowner clean energy credits and there are SO! MANY! Wonkette articles on the IRA. Thanks for doing the work of the Biden communications team, I guess. Anyway, here's the clean energy calculators https://www.whitehouse.gov/cleanenergy/

and here's the whole handbook. https://www.whitehouse.gov/cleanenergy/inflation-reduction-act-guidebook/

My friends are trying to get power running on their little farm & there are SO MANY programs for small farmers (and big farmers, and businesses).

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OT: Elon, you incredibly obvious motherfucker.

"Newly unsealed court filings following a federal indictment accusing Donald Trump of trying to overturn the 2020 elections show the lengths Twitter lawyers went to try and notify the former president of the government’s inquiry and delay investigators from obtaining detailed information from the former president’s account. The fillings also show the judge’s growing frustration with Twitter’s sidestepping legal team, which was ultimately held in contempt and fined $350,000."


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