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The no-jail-time is kind of D'pressing, but I'll try to keep from D'spondence by remembering that he's still a felon.

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<a href="https:\/\/twitter.com\/commiegirl1\/status\/514861621706244096" target="_blank">I don't think she'd mind . . .</a>

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He's not Goan to jail.

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"As if we were “journalists” who knew nothing about our subject and needed to research it."

This is why you will never be successful as a a modern journalist.

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<i>Which we guess would make Katie Pavlich a real Alexandre Dumas</i>

You misspelled "dumb ass"

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<i>You’re a real Count of Monte Cristo, Dinesh.</i>

I think he's more of a <a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/560235\/bite-this-man-and-this-woman-croque-monsieur-and-croque-madame-for-lunch" target="_blank">Crock Monsieur</a>.

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Sorry, I can't resist low-hanging fruit.

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How dare the prosecutor do their job! Only the ones who prosecute the poors and other undesirables should be able to do that!

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Kathryn Lopez poster?! That's a big hole he's covering. Did someone slip him a backhoe?

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Bet he teaches them that the proper response to "Thank you" is "Fuck you, I got mine."

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