I wish he’d send himself to the corn field.

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Sources added that Trump spent much of the time with Bolton fuming that McMaster was speaking privately with Barack Obama’s former national security adviser Susan Rice. “Trump kept saying, ‘Can you believe it? To Susan Rice? Can you believe it?’”


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“The president is finally realizing he is the president,” a former White House official told me. “He’s just making these decisions on his own.”

So November 16, 2016 and January 20, 2017 were days just like any other day.

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Pretty sure I've said this before, but the whole "run government like a business" thing tends to trip my rant trigger.A business is designed to do one thing at its core: To make money for the owner(s). It is not designed to improve the life of anyone (except financially for its owner), to perform a social good, or anything else but make money. It doesn't give a crap about customers, except for the minimum necessary to keep the money coming in. It doesn't give a crap about employees, except to make sure they keep doing whatever they do to keep the money coming in, and paying them the minimum it can get away with, because their pay reduces the profit margin. This is pretty much the opposite of what government is for. And Dolt 45 is convinced he's the "owner" of government now, and he's milking it for all the money he can make. And he thinks we're all his "employees" and therefore need to be contributing to his bottom line.And all the idiots saying "run government like a business" plainly have no fucking clue as to how either should be done.

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And if you believe that I have a friend in Uganda that wil give you a million bucks.

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Return of the neocons! Hard line on Russia! Oh, wait.

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Or is it, "We yee yee"?

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I typed "two it." ELOHEL

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I believe he can head the agency as an interim appointment but will have to be confirmed

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She reminds me a lot of this wonderful lady last year. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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"Trump is too sissy to fire people to their faces."

Which is odd when you consider this is exactly what he was FAMOUS for doing on TV.

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File photo of John Bolton (right) confronting his North Korean equivalent at the UN during his tenure as ambassador:


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check the history, it repeats

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