But was your headline funny?

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I am a senior government bureaucrat of considerable self importance. Do you think I could get a job running one of those camps? Cause I would really like that..

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WASHINGTON State...WASHINGTON DC, coincidence?

I think not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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When it comes to incontrovertible, smoking gun evidence, you really can't beat "graduated in the same year."

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And he wrote it without hearing the case! That is some amazing ninja lawyering!

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Obama is ALL THE JUDGES! He can materialise and shape shift at will, using the power of chemtrails and kale, bentonite and maple syrup shakes. He's written all the judgments, you betcha. These plucky InfoPunditWarsbart investimagators are all over it. Seriously, have you seen President Obama in the same room as any of these judges at the same time? Well, have you? PREEEE-cisely. *nods sagely* *checks that the microwave isn't spying on each keystroke*

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Yes and Trumpinistas are boycotting Hawaii. that's gonna leave a mark...

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Actually if I could believe that, I would maybe feel a little better, he has our back.

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My fucking Dog, the stupid is like a virus. It's everywhere all at once. Seriously, why would Obama go to the guys house? Why wouldn't he have the decision shipped to the judge via FedEx from Saul Alinsky's house?

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Not a problem. There's a form to fill out online, I think at femacamps.gov.

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If they used half the energy used to come up with these idiotic conspiracy theories to do something constructive, every human on Earth would have a fucking flying car by now.

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I hope they stay away from my state permanently! Hell, I don't even want those a-holes sitting in a plane on the tarmac of HNL on layover!

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t was really kind of you not to mention the weird bumble bee shirt. I, alas, am not kind. Why would a person wear a bumble bee shirt and then asked to be taken seriously about anything besides honey?

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I guess you're right.. Simplest explanation and all that.

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using george soros' FEDEX account, right?that's what I use for all my subversive activity.

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WWII was in all the papers. George Gobel on the tonight show. Still funny. Haven't seen that quoted in awhile.

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