Good grief. Aside from the employer, her fecebook makes her look ... normal. There&#039;s a post advocating <i>against</i> the Vegas plan to deny homeless people the use of blankets.
Hell, that&#039;s nothing! check out this one: &quot;All the signs of another Southern Poverty Law Center psyops program. They even had to drag Walmart into it. &quot; Jared &#039; and &quot; Amanda &quot; were prepped to pose as neo nazis in return for drugs ..probably even got well laundered money originating at some government entity that needs manifestations of violent white racism to maintain and advance the totalitarian agenda. The cops killed were also likely well selected by the handlers of this operation..the kind of good cops who could not be corrupted by the system yet witness to so much filth as to be feared for what they could say.&quot;
It should be, it&#039;s certainly wise with all the fucking places one can get shot in nowadays. Pizza place, bars, wal-mart, schools, masturbating on the couch. Nobody is safe!!
His parents probably named him Jared, but he changed it because Jerad has &#039;rad&#039; in it, like radical, you know. totally rebellious. You know, all these people who want to go on a shooting rampage, then commit suicide to prove a point could just commit suicide and leave everyone else out of it. I&#039;m sure we would pay attention to people offing themselves in malls across the country for some cause. Or, they could get some mental health help, there&#039;s always that. But if not mental health help, just skip the shoot others part and jump to the end. Thankx.
It&#039;s too soon after a tragedy to start politicizing it, you gun-grabbing Commie, but ohhh no, as soon as yet another wingnut goes on yet another murder spree it&#039;s all &quot;sensible regulation&quot; this and &quot;maybe tone down the fascist populism&quot; that.
Then the NRA&#039;s solution will be to travel in fire teams, so that if you encounter more than one &quot;bad guy&quot; you will still have more firepower.
God fucking dammit! Is this what we have to look forward to? Literal gun battles in a fucking Wal-Mart, with second shooters sneaking up from behind on the good-gun guys? This will not end well, do you have any idea how suck chaos would look to a cop arriving at the store trying to sort out who is who? Fucking lunacy. And now we will have the fracturing of the good-guy CCW people against the crazy no-law carry fuckers. Man, this is not good.
Good grief. Aside from the employer, her fecebook makes her look ... normal. There&#039;s a post advocating <i>against</i> the Vegas plan to deny homeless people the use of blankets.
Lagalization (sic) of marijuana. 4 members. Ok, that&#039;s funny.
Hell, that&#039;s nothing! check out this one: &quot;All the signs of another Southern Poverty Law Center psyops program. They even had to drag Walmart into it. &quot; Jared &#039; and &quot; Amanda &quot; were prepped to pose as neo nazis in return for drugs ..probably even got well laundered money originating at some government entity that needs manifestations of violent white racism to maintain and advance the totalitarian agenda. The cops killed were also likely well selected by the handlers of this operation..the kind of good cops who could not be corrupted by the system yet witness to so much filth as to be feared for what they could say.&quot;
It should be, it&#039;s certainly wise with all the fucking places one can get shot in nowadays. Pizza place, bars, wal-mart, schools, masturbating on the couch. Nobody is safe!!
The tree of liberty is a weeping willow
His parents probably named him Jared, but he changed it because Jerad has &#039;rad&#039; in it, like radical, you know. totally rebellious. You know, all these people who want to go on a shooting rampage, then commit suicide to prove a point could just commit suicide and leave everyone else out of it. I&#039;m sure we would pay attention to people offing themselves in malls across the country for some cause. Or, they could get some mental health help, there&#039;s always that. But if not mental health help, just skip the shoot others part and jump to the end. Thankx.
You can&#039;t beat Alex, he has a macro key that does it for him. (If x=hatecrime, then motive= falseflag ) loop
It&#039;s too soon after a tragedy to start politicizing it, you gun-grabbing Commie, but ohhh no, as soon as yet another wingnut goes on yet another murder spree it&#039;s all &quot;sensible regulation&quot; this and &quot;maybe tone down the fascist populism&quot; that.
There&#039;s a first for everything, apparently
Save the fetus, shoot the cops
Then the NRA&#039;s solution will be to travel in fire teams, so that if you encounter more than one &quot;bad guy&quot; you will still have more firepower.
God fucking dammit! Is this what we have to look forward to? Literal gun battles in a fucking Wal-Mart, with second shooters sneaking up from behind on the good-gun guys? This will not end well, do you have any idea how suck chaos would look to a cop arriving at the store trying to sort out who is who? Fucking lunacy. And now we will have the fracturing of the good-guy CCW people against the crazy no-law carry fuckers. Man, this is not good.
The RWNJ&#039;s suspect that the death panels are ebony.
Memo to the open-carry cretins: You might want to avoid Las Vegas restaurants for the forseeable future.
Stupidest Man on the Internet is stupid. Who&#039;d a thunk it?
About fucking time.