Marco Rubio? Is that you?

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"I don't have the time to unravel their logic." -- Felix Unger

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I sort of think the Russians could have been in on it from the very beginning. Q might be Putin.

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I don't think that's David Spade or the face of the Illuminati.

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And Dr. DemonJjizz is correct. Trump is obviously the product of the devil doing Mama Trump in her sleep!

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Double the dumb.

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baby-eating Satanic pedophile cabal

you just know that ebaby and the abortionplexes on every corner are in on it.

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Now, it's the Gateway Pundit's turn. And rather than trying the "OK, they believe some weird things but they are good solid Trump loving Americans who 'do their own research'" angle, they are going for the gold with "All of the bizarre and hateful stuff that QAnon people believe isn't what they believe at all, but rather has been put out there by Russian trolls to make them look stupid and hateful."

uh-huh! QAnon believers have absolutely no agency at all. smooth.

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Sadly, their diabolical plan is working.

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Ta, Robyn. Ugh.

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Let's see what the Anti-Defamation League has to say... https://www.adl.org/resourc...

Yup, Q is anti-Semitic.

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Yeah, Lionel Barrymore in drag.

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Q doesn't like lava lamps? Wait until they hear about Cloudflare.


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In Bizarro world!

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which one is the evil twin?

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