Then you are ready for the Mueller testimony. ☹️

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Wine-Banks isn’t a reporter. Uh, and knowing the truth is probably important. Plus Wine-Banks understands what’s going on. It’s Pelosi who has shown herself to not understand this is an emergency. Which is separate and distinct from her lack of action. I’m coming to see there may be nothing she can fucking do. Although that doesn’t mean she should’ve been confusing the issue with her statements for the last six months.

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Yeah, Jill definitely not up to speed on Watergate. None of that is the point anyway. I don’t know why so many people are getting so bent out of shape about this piece of bad news that might not be true. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Do all the people snarking back at quirky gal think everything is going fine and that she and Jill Wine-Banks are about to detour everything into the ditch? Because I was unaware that many people thought things were unfolding as desired.

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Hope this works out. Not convinced it will but holding onto my optimism. Really astonished to see all of the people on this thread being so grumpy and snippy. Who killed their dog? I don’t like Pelosi, I’m sceptical about any of this stuff working in time, I don’t think the Mueller hearing is going to change things because it’s going to be too short and they may well just screw it up by not having sustained questioning. Plus Mueller who I’m starting to think it’s just a prick, is determined to be unhelpful. But I took this story is good news. All the people who piss and moan at me for not liking Pelosi or talking about how badly things might go are mad as hell. I thought they liked the committees plodding along in their investigations. Oh, or are there like three factions. The Pelosi sceptic faction (me), the Pelosi is the greatest thing ever faction, and another faction that believes this plodding by Nadler etc will be effective. And the Pelosi is great faction are against the committee investigations? Either that or a bunch of people on here are just angry and taking it out on random folks.

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Please thank your wife for doing the most important work. :) I apologize for making any assumptions - I hope I didn't offend in any way.

The graphing paper should still help!

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I find tuna works well.

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"hiring Lewandowski as Mick Mulvaney's fluffer "

I would say "no one would do that". But Trump worshipers have proven they are capable of anything.

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42 actually is 6x9, in base 13.

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that's what the tanks are for

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I actually like physics and calculus. Good thing, since I teach physics to engineers using calculus. Those bridges better stay up!

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Is this one of those math thingies I've heard about?

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Hillary won the popular vote by roughly the margin predicted by the polls. That undemocratic 18th century innovation, The Electoral College, gave the office to Little Baby Donnie.

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Stop trying to get us to do your homework.

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Literally any of the dozens (if not triple digits) Trump scandals would have brought any other president down.

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Plus completely ignoring 2018 midterms, and that Democratic voters, while somewhat cranky, are even more angry and ready to shove their vote up the collective asses of the entire GOP a year later.

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that shit always sells papers.

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