Watch the Micheal Moore film on the lies of the renewable world. He is a leftist, but I give him credit for telling the truth. I'd take oil/gs any day of the week, and birds are not killed by pump jacks! Renewables are a green pipe dream! God help us from the Mummy!

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It's incredible how stupid he is, isn't it?

It's also clear he's afraid of literally everything. I'd say "I don't know how the networks miss it" if I didn't know exactly how they missed it

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Those lesbian farmers welike?were warned about?

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they voted for Drumpf so they only have themselves to blame!

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"Even money management giant BlackRock has announced it will no longer invest in coal, resulting in a brief boost in pun futures."

I love you, Dok.

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Clearly you haven't read enough Kafka

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Trump and his big oil buddies of course are going to just ignore this.

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I don't think these estimates adequately accounted for the cost of the windmill slaughtered eagles, both in terms of lost national pride and I guess clean up, which likely involves bulldozers and dump trucks.

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She didn't smile enough

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Not in West Virginia. Case in point; Joe Manchin - he's not even an outlier among WV Democrats.

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Killed mine right there, thanks!

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Some coal companies will go the way of Australia and ship their coal to India and China until those countries discover it's cheaper to go wind and solar. ut I suspect most will just go out of business.

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hundreds of millions of birds ae killed by windows - not the operating system - but glass windows. Wind generators kill a minuscule number of birds by comparison. The only reason Bald Eagles are given protection is that they are our national symbol birdwise. They are not endangered at all. Your use of the word 'slaughter' is ridiculous. Habitat destruction and climate change are also killing far, far more birds than wind generators ever will. to say otherwise is just a display of ignorance.

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Driving through Texas recently I saw stretches of windmills a hundred miles and more at a time. I saw hundred of acres filled with solar panels, multiple times. They aren't stupid in Texas, well not when it comes to sustainable, clean energy.

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