Illegal grows cause horrendous damage to public lands, and delicate ecosystems. For that reason alone, It needs to be stomped out hard. Legalise growing it! Allow room for lots and lots of small-time growers to sell to local pot stores, so growing doesn't get co-opted by big Ag.

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I don't know what they would say, but I know that after the joint statement was finished, they lit out of the room so they could find themselves some cheap hookahs.

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D.A.R.E. makes me laugh because every time I see it I think: Drugs. Are. Really. Excellent.

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But excessive taxes make the stuff too expensive for the people who need it most, the poor, minorities, and the ill. These people usually do not have a lot of extra money. So, guess where they get their MM, then. Right back on the street, defeating it's other purpose of making the illegal drug trade a lot less profitable. Illinois is going to tax MM at 40%. I think 25-30% is more reasonable, for me, anyway.

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Change the name from the Garden of Eden to Itchycoo Park.

It's all too beyoo-tee-fu-u-ul...

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Ted Nugent.

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Is there an invisible footnote here that states that "states' rights" and local control do not apply to this issue?

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You know, once Colorado started reporting their staggering windfall of money as a result of legalizing pot, I said to myself, "Just watch the Republicans fall all over themselves to get a bit of those sweet sweet weed dollars"....

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or a vaped statement...

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Funny you should mention that, and correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't legalizing weed negatively affect the revenues enjoyed by evildoers in Latin America we know as "drug lords" who to some extent or other support evildoers in other parts of the world where they are known as "terrorists?" Did I hear that somewhere or is it just the indica making me paranoid?

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Their acronym is kinda stupid. Don't feel bad.

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possibly the most dangerous thing you could do with weed is to bake it into junk food . . . i already have trouble not making my entire diet from junk food . . . if munches gave me the munchies i would be spherical (for a while . . . then i would explode and repaint my apartment)

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Another reason to consider atheism.

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if you want that regulation stuff you better sneak it into the bill in the dark of night or the pugs will howl as loudly as they would if you leave out some abortion restriction.

[no, it doesn't make any sense that the pugs want to shut down a completely unregulated business enterprise like Drugs Inc. while simultaneously regulating the shit out of drugs and calling for the deregulation of everything else . . . it just makes my head hurt]

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i dunno if i would call it dangerous, but yes weed infused foods can make you wig out. the worst part is if you get the spins, you have a harder time puking cuz the stuff in weed prevents you from puking ( which is why cancer patients love it, chemo makes them wanna puke, but weed helps tames that and let's those poor souls eat something without throwing it back up)

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somebody figured out that Genesis 1:12 is a great loophole

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