They should have named it the Donald J. Trump Make America Greater Act just to see if they could get some Republicans to vote for it out of sheer knee jerking.

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Manchin is so fucking gross. The only point to all of his swanning was to manipulate the process so that the MSM would refer to this as "his" deal (which of course they have), and so he could gloat that BBB was "dead" like it was a dragon and he was fucking St. George, instead of a small, insignificant man claiming credit for something he stymied for a year out of pure vanity.

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Elon doesn't seem particularly inclined to actually purchase the things/people he says he's going to.

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Manchin is a republican.

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Has anyone looked to see if his change of heart has anything to do with how he's been polling back home? Someone who so often screws over his constituents must be getting some type of blowback.

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This IS progress. Not sure about the billions invested in "carbon capture" with this bill, though. Truthout reported on this today and was very skeptical. I know they're Bernie bro-ish, but I will have to look into the track record of this technology.

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Yes! Maybe he can take credit for turning the Senate unequivocally blue while he's at it. That may be where is real contribution ultimately lies.

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Yep. The carbon capture part sounds like some BS.

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Pretty much.

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This is the best, most comprehensive assessment I've seen so far. Really looks at all the arguments for and against


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Manchin just lost his cushy seat as wv dem party leader on june 30th. His "Kingmaker" position in WV is losing power every second like a burst balloon. Bye Felicia

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A wertle.

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The media is altready crowing that Manchin has saved a dead Presidency.

No mention of Schumer and, of course, Joe is just the dotard who barely knows that is going on.

Color me unsurprised...

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Never forget that Lucy was ALSO Charlie Brown's Five Cent per Session Psychiatric Counselor also too! Everyone thinks Ms. Van Pelt was just being mean but the truth is more complex. Sometimes the therapy has to be a bit rough to get the job done. After all, Charlie Brown is a deeply repressed blockhead.

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Finally some good news! I am just as susceptible to flattery as the next person who hasn't been able to find her most flattering angle yet.

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