Similar experience here, relaxing at Mt. Diablo State Park in the east bay, and grocery trips in SF. Most everyone we saw wore masks. The news focuses so heavily on the slimy/bratty anti-maskers (or the pro-virus crowd, as IMO they should be called) that it's hard to remember most people are acting responsibly.

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Sigh. It's bizarre that so many of the stupidest plans like this are being formulated in deep-dish Trump country. I can't imagine how the Repubs plan to spin the inevitable healthcare system overload, esp. since it seems poised to coincide with their convention.

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I met a traveller from an antique land, Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand, Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed; And on the pedestal, these words appear: My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bareThe lone and level sands stretch far away.”

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It’s the “ COVID is no worse than the flu” story. Other than the higher death total, death rate, and lasting complications for many survivors. They sound like candidates for COVID parties, which I thought had already fallen out of favor.

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Ugh. Oh my.

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I have three places in TX I want to someday visit. Austin, cus, duh. Dallas, mostly to visit filming locations from Robocop, and San Antonio, cus I heard it's really nice there.

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Maryland is also one of the most corrupt (checks with Spiro) https://www.baltimoresun.co...

PA fortunately has a Dem Gov, so mask rules. https://www.governor.pa.gov...

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"I was pretty shocked that I was the first governor to get it."

And therein lies the dumbassery of Gov. Stitt. He avoided all - ALL - precautionary measures. Did he think there was a governor out there even dumber than him?

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It's like the rest of the world touched a hot stove and said "OW! That hurts! Don't touch that!" and the US just reaches out both hands and plants them on the burners and wonders what that burning smell is. I'm at my wits' end!!!!

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Gov. Ivey: "numbers don't lie", but they are going to now that the book-cooker in chief has found a way to get his stubby fingers on them and short circuit the CDC. The phucker.

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He was probably hoping for a blue state governor to be diagnosed first so he could gloat.

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The right-wing propaganda on this has been far too effective. To the point that we were accused of shilling "far left vitriol" from one person (thank goodness only one, but still) for daring to send out an article reviewing various types of masks... for restaurant workers.

Just SMH at the lunacy that has been spread around, and seeing how many people are more wrapped up in their right-wing ideology than in actually thinking or caring about their impact on others (but then again, that is pretty on-brand at this point, sadly)

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Why does the Mason-Dixon line still seem relevant?

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Ivey was correct in asserting that Alabama was not California; both infection and fatality rates are 50% higher in her state.

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I thought that was disgusting. But in the middle of a deadly pandemic, a medical doctor who goes on national TV and says masks are personal choice should lose his fucking license

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When in doubt, Shelley.


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