Canadian Parking was pretty impressive.

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up...up... well, I guess an up<i>fist</i> just isn't enough.

I'll just be in my bunk, thinking about weightlifting.

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I'd be less pissed off if he hadn't done the whole "holier than thou" routine when Ben Johnson was caught.

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<i>It's too damned bad there's not a Hell for him to be shoveling coal in 18 hours a day.</i>

I have good news, and I have bad news.

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If they're determined to give a medal to a Russian skatey-dancey person, they should make a point of giving it to the one who sets their gaydar screaming the loudest, just as a way to piss in Putin's cornflakes. What the world needs now is a Russian Johnny Weir.

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Um, that husband who can't let go of some long-ago conflict with a former subordinate wouldn't happen to work in the public sector in a very populous northeastern state, would he? Because I know at least eleventeen guys (and wimmenz) like that.

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What golden (and silver and bronze) memories are brought back by that photo of the Ninnyhammer in Lillehammer!

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<i>...so basically the character Woody Allen often plays in Woody Allen movies.</i>

<strike>Allan Stewart Konigsberg</strike> Woody Allen has played the character Woody Allen since almost before Steve Colbert was ever born.

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An interesting thing about Safire was that you could send him an email, and he would reply. I'm pretty sure it was actually he, because of the writing style. My favorite exchange ended up being about how many ways the word "weasel" could be applied to the Supreme Court.

Edit for clarity: the Roberts Supreme Court.

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